Kaustav Chaudhury
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Transient dynamics of confined liquid drops in a uniform electric field
S Mandal, K Chaudhury, S Chakraborty
Physical Review E 89 (5), 053020, 2014
Swirling Flow Hydrodynamics in Hydrocyclone
C Banerjee, K Chaudhury, AK Majumder, S Chakraborty
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (1), 522-528, 2015
Spreading of a Droplet over a Nonisothermal Substrate: Multiple Scaling Regimes
K Chaudhury, S Chakraborty
Langmuir 31 (14), 4169-4175, 2015
Electroosmosis over non-uniformly charged surfaces: modified Smoluchowski slip velocity for second-order fluids
U Ghosh, K Chaudhury, S Chakraborty
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 809, 664-690, 2016
Droplet migration characteristics in confined oscillatory microflows
K Chaudhury, S Mandal, S Chakraborty
Physical Review E 93 (2), 023106, 2016
Paper-PDMS hybrid microchannel: a platform for rapid fluid-transport and mixing
RK Arun, N Priyadarshini, K Chaudhury, N Chanda, G Biswas, ...
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 26 (10), 105008, 2016
Influence of disjoining pressure on the dynamics of steadily moving long bubbles inside narrow cylindrical capillaries
K Chaudhury, PV Acharya, S Chakraborty
Physical Review E 89 (5), 053002, 2014
Diffusive dynamics on paper matrix
K Chaudhury, S Kar, S Chakraborty
Applied Physics Letters 109 (22), 2016
Generation of droplets to serpentine threads on a rotating compact-disk platform
S Kar, S Joshi, K Chaudhary, TK Maiti, S Chakraborty
Applied Physics Letters 107 (24), 2015
Substrate wettability induced alterations in convective heat transfer characteristics in microchannel flows: An order parameter approach
K Chaudhury, U Ghosh, S Chakraborty
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 67, 1083-1095, 2013
The vortex structures of the mean turbulent flow field in a 90-degree bend pipe
A Vasa, K Chaudhury
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 98, 21-31, 2023
Oscillation dynamics of the air-core in a hydrocyclone
C Banerjee, K Chaudhury, E Cid, F Bourgeois, S Chakraborty, ...
Physics of Fluids 34 (9), 2022
Estimation of characteristic vortex structures in complex flow
K Chaudhury, C Banerjee, S Urankar
Journal of Turbulence 22 (9), 517-534, 2021
Formation of Blood Droplets: Influence of the Plasma Proteins
S Kar, A Kar, K Chaudhury, TK Maiti, S Chakraborty
ACS Omega 3 (9), 10967-10973, 2018
Alteration of chaotic advection in blood flow around partial blockage zone: Role of hematocrit concentration
S Maiti, K Chaudhury, D DasGupta, S Chakraborty
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (3), 2013
Controlled splitting and focusing of a stream of nanoparticles in a converging–diverging microchannel
RK Arun, K Chaudhury, M Ghosh, G Biswas, N Chanda, S Chakraborty
Lab on a Chip 14 (19), 3800-3808, 2014
Thermal mixing and dispersion in a confined swirling flow
S Hota, S Rout, K Chaudhury
Physics of Fluids 34 (12), 2022
Frequency-induced morphology alterations in microconfined biological cells
H Banerjee, B Roy, K Chaudhury, B Srinivasan, S Chakraborty, H Ren
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 57, 819-835, 2019
Frictional loss in bend pipes: numerical simulation and data driven modeling
A Vasa, K Chaudhury
Sādhanā 48 (3), 186, 2023
Measurement of the thermal diffusivities of insulating materials using boiling water
S Rout, RK Sahoo, K Chaudhury
Physics of Fluids 35 (7), 2023
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Articles 1–20