Kuznetsova Olga
Cited by
Cited by
CSR and the Legitimacy of Business in Transition Economies: The Case of Russia
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova, R Warren
Scandinavian Journal of Management 25 (1), 37-45, 2009
Institutions, Business and the State in Russia
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Europe-Asia Studies 55 (6), 907-922, 2003
Entrepreneurial Qualities: A Case from Russia
O Kuznetsova, A Kuznetsov, F McDonald
Journal of Small Business Management 38 (1), 101-107, 2000
Building Professional Discourse in Emerging Markets: Language, Context and the Challenge of Sensemaking
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Journal of International Business Studies 45 (5), 583-599, 2014
Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education
W Leal Filho, C Skanavis, A do Paço, J Rogers, O Kuznetsova, ...
Springer International Publishing AG, 2017
Gaining Competitiveness through Trust: The Experience of Russia
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
European Journal of International Management 2 (1), 22-38, 2008
The Role of the Informal Sector, Flexible Working Time and Pay in the Russian Labour Market Model
R Kapelyushnikov, A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Post-Communist Economies 24 (2), 177-190, 2012
Diversity within Capitalism: The Russian Labour Market Model
R Kapelyushnikov, A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Employee Relations 33 (4), 395-412, 2011
Business Culture in Modern Russia: Deterrents and Influences
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Problems and Perspectives in Management 2 (2), 25-31, 2005
Business Legitimacy and the Margins of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Russian Context
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
International Studies of Management & Organization 42 (3), 35-48, 2012
The State as a Shareholder: Responsibilities and Objectives
O Kuznetsova, A Kuznetsov
Europe-Asia Studies 51 (3), 433-446, 1999
Privatisation, Shareholding and the Efficiency Argument: Russian Experience
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Europe‐Asia Studies 48 (7), 1173-1185, 1996
Threats to Security of Property Rights in a Transition Economy: An Empirical Perspective
R Kapeliushnikov, A Kuznetsov, N Demina, O Kuznetsova
Journal of Comparative Economics 41 (1), 245-264, 2013
The Role of Stakeholders in Shaping Managerial Perceptions of CSR in Russia
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
European Journal of International Management 4 (3), 257-272, 2010
How Different are CSR Motives in a Developing Country? Insights from a Study of Indian Agribusiness Firms.
A Raj, A Kuznetsov, A Thankom, O Kuznetsova
Thunderbird International Business Review. 61 (2), 255-265, 2019
The Financial Depth of Emerging Markets: The Case of Russia.
Y Mirkin, O Kuznetsova, A Kuznetsov
Competition & Change: The Journal of Global Business and Political Economy …, 2013
Corporate Governance: Does the Concept Work in Transition Economies?
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsov
Journal for East-European Management Studies 8 (3), 244-262, 2003
Looking for Ways to Increase Student Motivation: Internationalisation and Value Innovation
A Kuznetsov, O Kuznetsova
Higher Education Quarterly 65 (4), 353-367, 2011
From a Socialist Enterprise to a Capitalist Firm: The Hazards of the Managerial Learning Curve
O Kuznetsova, A Kuznetsov
Communist Economies and Economic Transformation 8 (4), 517-528, 1996
Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level: Making the Links
W Leal Filho, L Brandli, O Kuznetsova, AMFE do Paço
Springer Verlag, 2015
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Articles 1–20