K. Michele Kacmar
Cited by
Cited by
Construction and initial validation of a multidimensional measure of work–family conflict
DS Carlson, KM Kacmar, LJ Williams
Journal of Vocational behavior 56 (2), 249-276, 2000
Measuring the positive side of the work–family interface: Development and validation of a work–family enrichment scale
DS Carlson, KM Kacmar, JH Wayne, JG Grzywacz
Journal of vocational behavior 68 (1), 131-164, 2006
Perceptions of organizational politics
GR Ferris, KM Kacmar
Journal of management 18 (1), 93-116, 1992
Work–family conflict in the organization: Do life role values make a difference?
DS Carlson, KM Kacmar
Journal of management 26 (5), 1031-1054, 2000
Entrepreneurial alertness in the pursuit of new opportunities
J Tang, KMM Kacmar, L Busenitz
Journal of business venturing 27 (1), 77-94, 2012
An assessment of the use of structural equation modeling in strategic management research
CL Shook, DJ Ketchen Jr, GTM Hult, KM Kacmar
Strategic management journal 25 (4), 397-404, 2004
Regulatory focus as a mediator of the influence of initiating structure and servant leadership on employee behavior.
MJ Neubert, KM Kacmar, DS Carlson, LB Chonko, JA Roberts
Journal of applied psychology 93 (6), 1220, 2008
A multi-level review of impression management motives and behaviors
MC Bolino, KM Kacmar, WH Turnley, JB Gilstrap
Journal of management 34 (6), 1080-1109, 2008
Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation
KM Kacmar, DS Carlson
Journal of management 23 (5), 627-658, 1997
The virtuous influence of ethical leadership behavior: Evidence from the field
MJ Neubert, DS Carlson, KM Kacmar, JA Roberts, LB Chonko
Journal of business ethics 90, 157-170, 2009
Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation
KM Kacmar, GR Ferris
Educational and Psychological measurement 51 (1), 193-205, 1991
Work–family facilitation: A theoretical explanation and model of primary antecedents and consequences
JH Wayne, JG Grzywacz, DS Carlson, KM Kacmar
Human resource management review 17 (1), 63-76, 2007
An investigation of abusive supervision as a predictor of performance and the meaning of work as a moderator of the relationship
KJ Harris, KM Kacmar, S Zivnuska
The leadership quarterly 18 (3), 252-263, 2007
Perceptions of organizational politics: Prediction, stress-related implications, and outcomes
GR Ferris, DD Frink, MC Galang, J Zhou, KM Kacmar, JL Howard
Human relations 49 (2), 233-266, 1996
Discriminating among organizational politics, justice, and support
MC Andrews, KM Kacmar
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
The impact of political skill on impression management effectiveness.
KJ Harris, KM Kacmar, S Zivnuska, JD Shaw
Journal of Applied psychology 92 (1), 278, 2007
Sure everyone can be replaced… but at what cost? Turnover as a predictor of unit-level performance
K Michele Kacmar, MC Andrews, DL Van Rooy, R Chris Steilberg, ...
Academy of Management journal 49 (1), 133-144, 2006
Organizational politics
KM Kacmar, RA Baron
Research in human resources management 1 (3), 1999
Customer service providers' attitudes relating to customer service and customer satisfaction in the customer-server exchange.
AM Susskind, KM Kacmar, CP Borchgrevink
Journal of applied psychology 88 (1), 179, 2003
Leader–member exchange and empowerment: Direct and interactive effects on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and performance
KJ Harris, AR Wheeler, KM Kacmar
The leadership quarterly 20 (3), 371-382, 2009
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