Professor Ruili Wang
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient kNN classification with different numbers of nearest neighbors
S Zhang, X Li, M Zong, X Zhu, R Wang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (5), 1774-1785, 2017
Ensemble methods for spoken emotion recognition in call-centres
D Morrison, R Wang, LC De Silva
Speech communication 49 (2), 98-112, 2007
Forecasting the behavior of an elderly using wireless sensors data in a smart home
NK Suryadevara, SC Mukhopadhyay, R Wang, RK Rayudu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (10), 2641-2652, 2013
Speaker identification features extraction methods: A systematic review
SS Tirumala, SR Shahamiri, AS Garhwal, R Wang
Expert Systems with Applications 90, 250-271, 2017
Hybrid conditional random field based camera-LIDAR fusion for road detection
L Xiao, R Wang, B Dai, Y Fang, D Liu, T Wu
Information Sciences 432, 543-558, 2018
Image synthesis with adversarial networks: A comprehensive survey and case studies
P Shamsolmoali, M Zareapoor, E Granger, H Zhou, R Wang, ME Celebi, ...
Information Fusion 72, 126-146, 2021
A survey on an emerging area: Deep learning for smart city data
Q Chen, W Wang, F Wu, S De, R Wang, B Zhang, X Huang
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 3 (5 …, 2019
Time-aware distributed service recommendation with privacy-preservation
L Qi, R Wang, C Hu, S Li, Q He, X Xu
Information Sciences 480, 354-364, 2019
Gaussian-process-based real-time ground segmentation for autonomous land vehicles
T Chen, B Dai, R Wang, D Liu
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 76, 563-582, 2014
Road segmentation for remote sensing images using adversarial spatial pyramid networks
P Shamsolmoali, M Zareapoor, H Zhou, R Wang, J Yang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (6), 4673-4688, 2020
A novel deep structure U-Net for sea-land segmentation in remote sensing images
P Shamsolmoali, M Zareapoor, R Wang, H Zhou, J Yang
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2019
Review on mining data from multiple data sources
R Wang, W Ji, M Liu, X Wang, J Weng, S Deng, S Gao, C Yuan
Pattern Recognition Letters 109, 120-128, 2018
Modeling traffic flow at a single-lane urban roundabout
R Wang, HJ Ruskin
Computer Physics Communications 147 (1-2), 570-576, 2002
Traffic flow characteristics in a mixed traffic system consisting of ACC vehicles and manual vehicles: A hybrid modelling approach
YM Yuan, R Jiang, MB Hu, QS Wu, R Wang
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (12), 2483-2491, 2009
Real-time abnormal event detection in complicated scenes
Y Shi, Y Gao, R Wang
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3653-3656, 2010
Pixels, regions, and objects: Multiple enhancement for salient object detection
Y Wang, R Wang, X Fan, T Wang, X He
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Multi-dimensional quality-driven service recommendation with privacy-preservation in mobile edge environment
W Zhong, X Yin, X Zhang, S Li, W Dou, R Wang, L Qi
Computer Communications 157, 116-123, 2020
Discriminative deep multi-task learning for facial expression recognition
H Zheng, R Wang, W Ji, M Zong, WK Wong, Z Lai, H Lv
Information Sciences 533, 60-71, 2020
Modeling traffic flow at an urban unsignalized intersection
HJ Ruskin, R Wang
Computational Science—ICCS 2002: International Conference Amsterdam, The …, 2002
Diversified service recommendation with high accuracy and efficiency
L Wang, X Zhang, R Wang, C Yan, H Kou, L Qi
Knowledge-Based Systems 204, 106196, 2020
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Articles 1–20