Matteo Falagiarda
Matteo Falagiarda
European Central Bank
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Announcements of ECB unconventional programs: Implications for the sovereign spreads of stressed euro area countries
M Falagiarda, S Reitz
Journal of International Money and Finance 53, 276-295, 2015
Domestic and multilateral effects of capital controls in emerging markets
GK Pasricha, M Falagiarda, M Bijsterbosch, J Aizenman
Journal of International Economics 115, 48-58, 2018
Spillovers from the ECB's non-standard monetary policies on non-euro area EU countries: evidence from an event-study analysis
M Falagiarda, P McQuade, M Tirpák
ECB working paper, 2015
The macroeconomic impact of financial fragmentation in the euro area: Which role for credit supply?
M Bijsterbosch, M Falagiarda
Journal of International Money and Finance 54, 93-115, 2015
Evaluating quantitative easing: a DSGE approach
M Falagiarda
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 7 (4), 302-327, 2014
Public loan guarantees and bank lending in the COVID-19 period
M Falagiarda, A Prapiestis, E Rancoita
Economic Bulletin Boxes 6, 2020
The impact of fiscal policy announcements by the Italian government on the sovereign spread: A comparative analysis
M Falagiarda, WD Gregori
European Journal of Political Economy 39, 288-304, 2015
Credit, endogenous collateral and risky assets: a DSGE model
M Falagiarda, A Saia
International Review of Economics & Finance 49, 125-148, 2017
Credit supply dynamics and economic activity in euro area countries: a time-varying parameter VAR analysis
M Bijsterbosch, M Falagiarda
ECB Working Paper, 2014
Announcements of ECB unconventional programs: Implications for the sovereign risk of Italy
M Falagiarda, S Reitz
Kiel Working Paper, 2013
Are East African Countries Ready for a Common Currency? A Structural Vector Autoregression Analysis
M Falagiarda
Rivista di Politica Economica 99 (4), 153-204, 2009
A DSGE model with endogenous term structure
M Falagiarda, M Marzo
Quaderni DSE Working Paper, 2012
The euro area housing market during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Battistini, M Falagiarda, J Gareis, A Hackmann, M Roma
Economic Bulletin Articles 7, 2021
Credit rating dynamics: evidence from a natural experiment
N Abidi, M Falagiarda, I Miquel-Flores
ECB Working Paper, 2019
Bank Lending to Euro Area Firms – What Have Been the Main Drivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
M Falagiarda, P Köhler-Ulbrich
European Economy: Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector 1, 119-143, 2021
Forecasting euro area inflation using targeted predictors: is money coming back?
M Falagiarda, J Sousa
ECB working paper, 2017
How repayments manipulate our perceptions about loan dynamics after a boom
R Adalid, M Falagiarda
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 240 (6), 697-742, 2020
Drivers of firms’ loan demand in the euro area–what has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic?
M Falagiarda, P Köhler-Ulbrich, E Maqui
Economic Bulletin Boxes 5, 2020
Has the euro changeover really caused extra inflation in Croatia?
M Falagiarda, C Gartner, I Mužić, A Pufnik
ECB Blog, 2023
Do lenders price the brown factor in car loans? Evidence from diesel cars
W Beyene, M Falagiarda, S Ongena, A Scopelliti
Evidence from Diesel Cars (October 10, 2022). Swiss Finance Institute …, 2022
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