Tim Wauters
Cited by
Cited by
HTTP/2-based adaptive streaming of HEVC video over 4G/LTE networks
J Van Der Hooft, S Petrangeli, T Wauters, R Huysegems, PR Alface, ...
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (11), 2177-2180, 2016
Access/edge node supporting multiple video streaming services using a single request protocol
EAC Six, T Van Caenegem, W Van De Meerssche, F De Turck, T Wauters, ...
US Patent 8,132,218, 2012
Toward truly immersive holographic-type communication: Challenges and solutions
A Clemm, MT Vega, HK Ravuri, T Wauters, F De Turck
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (1), 93-99, 2020
Towards network-aware resource provisioning in kubernetes for fog computing applications
J Santos, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 351-359, 2019
Towards 6dof http adaptive streaming through point cloud compression
J Van Der Hooft, T Wauters, F De Turck, C Timmerer, H Hellwagner
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2405-2413, 2019
Fog computing: Enabling the management and orchestration of smart city applications in 5G networks
J Santos, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
Entropy 20 (1), 4, 2017
Inter-dataset generalization strength of supervised machine learning methods for intrusion detection
L D’hooge, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
Journal of Information Security and Applications 54, 102564, 2020
Anomaly detection for smart city applications over 5g low power wide area networks
J Santos, P Leroux, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
NOMS 2018-2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-9, 2018
Towards model generalization for intrusion detection: Unsupervised machine learning techniques
M Verkerken, L D’hooge, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
Journal of Network and Systems Management 30, 1-25, 2022
HTTP/2-based methods to improve the live experience of adaptive streaming
R Huysegems, J Van Der Hooft, T Bostoen, P Rondao Alface, ...
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia, 541-550, 2015
Resource provisioning for IoT application services in smart cities
J Santos, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
2017 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 1-9, 2017
Resource provisioning in fog computing: From theory to practice
J Santos, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
Sensors 19 (10), 2238, 2019
A comparison of peer-to-peer architectures
P Backx, T Wauters, B Dhoedt, P Demeester
Eurescom Summit 2, 2002
Towards low-latency service delivery in a continuum of virtual resources: State-of-the-art and research directions
J Santos, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (4), 2557-2589, 2021
City of things: Enabling resource provisioning in smart cities
J Santos, T Vanhove, M Sebrechts, T Dupont, W Kerckhove, B Braem, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (7), 177-183, 2018
Towards a predictive cache replacement strategy for multimedia content
J Famaey, F Iterbeke, T Wauters, F De Turck
Journal of Network and computer Applications 36 (1), 219-227, 2013
Replica placement in ring based content delivery networks
T Wauters, J Coppens, F De Turck, B Dhoedt, P Demeester
Computer Communications 29 (16), 3313-3326, 2006
Towards delay-aware container-based service function chaining in fog computing
J Santos, T Wauters, B Volckaert, F De Turck
NOMS 2020-2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1-9, 2020
Predicting the performance of virtual reality video streaming in mobile networks
RIT da Costa Filho, MC Luizelli, MT Vega, J van der Hooft, S Petrangeli, ...
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 270-283, 2018
Tile-based adaptive streaming for virtual reality video
JV Hooft, MT Vega, S Petrangeli, T Wauters, FD Turck
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2019
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Articles 1–20