Paritosh Deshpande
Paritosh Deshpande
Associate Professor at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
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Using Material Flow Analysis (MFA) to generate the evidence on plastic waste management from commercial fishing gears in Norway
PC Deshpande, G Philis, H Brattebø, AM Fet
Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X 5, 100024, 2020
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method for assessing the sustainability of end-of-life alternatives for waste plastics: A case study of Norway
PC Deshpande, C Skaar, H Brattebø, AM Fet
Science of the total environment 719, 137353, 2020
A novel approach to estimating potential maximum heavy metal exposure to ship recycling yard workers in Alang, India
PC Deshpande, AK Tilwankar, SR Asolekar
Science of The Total Environment 438, 304-311, 2012
A novel approach to estimating resource consumption rates and emission factors for ship recycling yards in Alang, India
PC Deshpande, PP Kalbar, AK Tilwankar, SR Asolekar
Journal of cleaner production 59, 251-259, 2013
A method to extract fishers’ knowledge (FK) to generate evidence for sustainable management of fishing gears
PC Deshpande, H Brattebø, AM Fet
MethodsX 6, 1044-1053, 2019
A framework to conceptualize sustainable development goals for fishing gear resource management
PC Deshpande, DM Aspen
Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research, 727-744, 2018
Application of systems engineering and sustainable development goals towards sustainable management of fishing gear resources in Norway
PC Deshpande, C Haskins
Sustainability 13 (9), 4914, 2021
Small circles: The role of physical distance in plastics recycling
V Havas, J Falk-Andersson, P Deshpande
Science of the total environment 831, 154913, 2022
Closing the loop: industrial ecology, circular economy and material flow analysis
AM Fet, PC Deshpande
Business transitions: a path to sustainability: the CapSEM model, 113-125, 2023
Material flow analysis of commercial fishing gears in Taiwan
CT Su, F Schneider, PC Deshpande, HY Xiao, TA Su, N Yen, HT Lin
Marine Pollution Bulletin 190, 114822, 2023
Systems Engineering (SE) for Sustainability in the Life Cycle Management of Commercial Fishing Gears
PC Deshpande
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2020
Multi-stakeholder perspective to generate evidence and strategies for sustainable management of ropes from the fishing sector of Norway
PC Deshpande, ST Muntaha, RB Alnes
Marine Pollution Bulletin 197, 115798, 2023
Enabling transition thinking on complex issues (wicked problems): A framework for future circular economic transitions of plastic management in the Norwegian fisheries and …
M Palmer-Abbs, P Deshpande, CW Karl
Journal of Cleaner Production 449, 141420, 2024
Application of Material Flow Analysis: Mapping Plastics Within the Fishing Sector in Norway
PC Deshpande, AW Tippett
Business Transitions: A Path to Sustainability: The CapSEM Model, 175-183, 2023
Assessment of pollutant emissions and occupational exposure in the informal e-waste recycling and disposal facilities
PC Deshpande
Report Submitted (December), 2013
Towards Green Ship Dismantling: Scientific Assessment of Health, Safety and Environment Agenda
PC Deshpande, AM Hiremath, PP Kalbar, SR Asolekar
International Conference on Ship Recycling, 2013a Malmö, Sweden. WMU, 219-231, 2013
Comparing the end-of-life circularity potential of commercial fishing gear deployed in Norway by applying multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
V Havas, J Cantillo, PC Deshpande
Marine Pollution Bulletin 209, 117066, 2024
Engaging Volunteers as Experts in Data-Driven Research Projects and a Circular Economy: The Case of PlastOPol
CC Hellevik, PC Deshpande
Marine Plastics: Innovative Solutions to Tackling Waste, 135-148, 2023
Role of Resource Users’ Knowledge for Developing Realistic Strategies for a Circular Economy for Plastics from the Norwegian Fishing Sector
PC Deshpande
Marine Plastics: Innovative Solutions to Tackling Waste, 255-269, 2023
Integrating SEA and Ramsar guidelines to conceptualize a framework of ecosystem services inclusive SEA for the sustainable future of Sewri wetlands in India
PC Deshpande, K Uttam, B Balfors, SR Asolekar
35th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact …, 2015
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Articles 1–20