Subash Prasad Rai
Subash Prasad Rai
Floodkon Consultants LLP
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A novel approach for river health assessment of Chambal using fuzzy modeling, India
A Kumar, MP Sharma, SP Rai
Desalination and water treatment 58, 72-79, 2017
Risk assessment for transboundary rivers using fuzzy synthetic evaluation technique
SP Rai, N Sharma, AK Lohani
Journal of Hydrology 519, 1551-1559, 2014
Rainfall erosivity factor for India using modified Fourier index
H Tiwari, SP Rai, D Kumar, N Sharma
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 4 (2), 83-91, 2016
Hydropolitics in transboundary water conflict and cooperation
SP Rai, AT Wolf, N Sharma, H Tiwari
River system analysis and management, 353-368, 2017
Hydropolitics and hydropolitical dynamics between India and Nepal: An event-based study
SP Rai, AT Wolf, N Sharma
Water Policy 19 (5), 791-819, 2017
Risk and opportunity assessment for water cooperation in transboundary river basins in South Asia
SP Rai, W Young, N Sharma
Water Resources Management 31, 2187-2205, 2017
Study of morphological changes and socio-economic impact assessment: a case study of Koshi River
PJ Omar, SP Rai, H Tiwari
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (17), 1426, 2022
Bridging the gap or broadening the problem?
H Tiwari, SP Rai, K Shivangi
Natural Hazards 84, 351-366, 2016
Computational approaches for annual maximum river flow series
H Tiwari, SP Rai, N Sharma, D Kumar
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 8 (1), 51-58, 2017
Novel approach for issues identification in transboundary water management using fuzzy c-means clustering
SP Rai, N Sharma, AK Lohani
Applied Water Science 9, 1-11, 2019
Benefit Sharing Approach for the Transboundary Brahmaputra River Basin in South Asia-A Case Study
SP Rai, N Sharma
WATER And EnERGY InTERnATIOnAL 58 (12), 56-61, 2016
Transboundary Water Sharing: Issues Involved
SP Rai, N Sharma, AK Lohani
Environmental Policy and Law 46 (1), 62-68, 2016
Review of Information and soft computing techniques (ISCT) approaches in Water Resources Projects
H Tiwari, S Rai
Delhi, India, 89-94, 2015
Perceived risk of cooperation between India and Nepal on the Kosi River
SP Rai, N Sharma, AT Wolf
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (9), 05019012, 2019
Discharge and sediment time series: uncertainty analysis using the maximum likelihood estimator and artificial neural network
H Tiwari, SP Rai
J Water Res Environ Eng 1 (1), 1-9, 2015
Mapping of virtual water from wheat and rice consumption for India
H Tiwari, K Shivangi, SP Rai, RK Chaudhary
Sustainable Water Resources Management 3, 227-239, 2017
Hydropolitics between India & China: status vs. Perspectives
RK Choudhary, SP Rai, H Tiwari, P Singh, N Sharma
Hydro2015 International, 2015
Impact of COVID19 on MSME in Water Sector
H Tiwari, SP Rai
Integrated Risk of Pandemic: Covid-19 Impacts, Resilience and …, 2020
State-of- the-Art Structural Advances in the Area of Flood Mitigation.
SP Rai, H Tiwari, D Kumar
Flood and water resources management the eastern region of the Indian sub …, 2017
Governance issues related to policy for sustainability of the river Ganga.
SP Rai, H Tiwari, N Sharma
Incessant Ganga, 2017
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Articles 1–20