Prashantha Bhagavath
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Clinico-epidemiological features of viper bite envenomation: a study from Manipal, South India.
FN Monteiro, T Kanchan, P Bhagavath, GP Kumar, RG Menezes, ...
Singapore medical journal 53 (3), 203-207, 2012
Sexual dimorphism of the index to ring finger ratio in South Indian adolescents
T Kanchan, GP Kumar, RG Menezes, P Rastogi, PPJ Rao, A Menon, ...
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 17 (5), 243-246, 2010
Early adipocere formation: a case report and review of literature
TSM Kumar, FNP Monteiro, P Bhagavath, SM Bakkannavar
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 16 (8), 475-477, 2009
Epidemiology of cobra bite in Manipal, Southern India
FNP Monteiro, T Kanchan, P Bhagavath, GP Kumar
Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 32 (3), 224-227, 2010
Psychiatric morbidity in industrial workers of South India
PKK Kumar, K Jayaprakash, FNP Monteiro, P Bhagavath
Journal of clinical and diagnostic Research 5 (5), 921-925, 2011
Descending thoracic aortic aneurysm rupture during postpartum period
FNP Monteiro, P Bhagavath, L Rao, ND Pai, T Kanchan, RG Menezes, ...
Journal of Forensic Sciences 56 (4), 1054-1057, 2011
Sudden death due to pulmonary aspergillosis
P Bhagavath, P Rastogi, RG Menezes, M Valiathan, TSM Kumar, ...
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 16 (1), 27-30, 2009
Krait bite poisoning in Manipal region of Southern India
FNP Monteiro, T Kanchan, P Bhagavath, GP Kumar
Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 33 (1), 43-45, 2011
Death by attack from a domestic buffalo
SM Bakkannavar, FNP Monteiro, P Bhagavath, GP Kumar
Journal of Forensic and legal Medicine 17 (2), 102-104, 2010
Autopsy study of fatal deliberate self harm
M Arun, V Palimar, RG Menezes, YPR Babu, P Bhagavath, MK Mohanty
Medicine, science and the law 47 (1), 69-73, 2007
Spectrum of grand multiparity
K D'Souza, FNP Monteiro, K Jayaprakash, P Bhagavath, S Krishnan
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 5 (6), 1247-1250, 2012
Wounds due to a modified shot gun (home-made): A case report
V Palimar, VC Nayak, M Arun, PG Kumar, P Bhagavath
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 17 (4), 220-222, 2010
Fatal deliberate self-harm in geriatrics
MMK Palimar V, Arun M, Bhagavath P, Babu YP
Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 28 (4), 177-179, 2006
Pediatric fatalities due to trauma
BP Palimar V, Arun M
Medico-Legal Update - An International Journal 6 (4), 109-112, 2006
Role of FNAC in diagnosing salivary gland lesions
P Bhagavath
International Journal of AJ Institute Medical Sciences 1 (2), 118-124, 2012
Lipid profile and atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) in diabetic non smokers and smokers in coastal Karnataka
P Bhagavath
Internationa Journal of AJ Institute of Medical Sciences 1 (2), 93-97, 2012
An autopsy case of iatrogenic tracheoesophageal fistula secondary to tracheostomy
RG Menezes, S Pant, SC Prasad, JR Padubidri, P Prabhu, FNP Monteiro, ...
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 35 (2), 77-79, 2014
Epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in deliberate self harm victims
KPK Kiran, A Kakunje, P Bhagavath
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2 (7), 738-745, 2013
Surrogacy in India.
RG Menezes, P Bhagavath, PK Adiga
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 14 (5), 307-307, 2006
Histopathological study to correlate fatal deliberate self-harm and phases of the menstrual cycle
T D’Souza, H.L., Bhagavath, P., Monteiro, F.N.P., Pradeep Kumar, G., Kanchan
Journal of South India Medicolegal Association 9 (1), 38-43, 2017
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Articles 1–20