Korimilli Eswar Prasad
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Nano-indentation studies on polymer matrix composites reinforced by few-layer graphene
B Das, KE Prasad, U Ramamurty, CNR Rao
Nanotechnology 20 (12), 125705, 2009
Extraordinary synergy in the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites reinforced with 2 nanocarbons
KE Prasad, B Das, U Maitra, U Ramamurty, CNR Rao
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (32), 13186-13189, 2009
Mechanical properties of nanodiamond-reinforced polymer-matrix composites
U Maitra, KE Prasad, U Ramamurty, CNR Rao
Solid State Communications 149 (39-40), 1693-1697, 2009
Micropillar and macropillar compression responses of magnesium single crystals oriented for single slip or extension twinning
KE Prasad, K Rajesh, U Ramamurty
Acta materialia 65, 316-325, 2014
On the strain rate sensitivity of plastic flow in metallic glasses
A Bhattacharyya, G Singh, KE Prasad, R Narasimhan, U Ramamurty
Materials Science and Engineering A 625, 245-251, 2015
The dynamic flow and failure behavior of magnesium and magnesium alloys
K Eswar Prasad, B Li, N Dixit, M Shaffer, SN Mathaudhu, KT Ramesh
Jom 66, 291-304, 2014
Hardness and mechanical anisotropy of hexagonal SiC single crystal polytypes
KE Prasad, KT Ramesh
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 770, 158-165, 2019
Temperature dependence of mechanical properties and pressure sensitivity in metallic glasses below glass transition
V Keryvin, KE Prasad, Y Gueguen, JC Sanglebœuf, U Ramamurty
Philosophical Magazine 88 (12), 1773-1790, 2008
Analysis of indentation size effect (ISE) in nanoindentation hardness in polycrystalline PMN-PT piezoceramics with different domain configurations
VS Kathavate, BP Kumar, I Singh, KE Prasad
Ceramics International 47 (9), 11870-11877, 2021
Role of indenter angle on the plastic deformation underneath a sharp indenter and on representative strains: An experimental and numerical study
KE Prasad, N Chollacoop, U Ramamurty
Acta Materialia 59 (11), 4343-4355, 2011
In-situ quantitative TEM investigation on the dynamic evolution of individual twin boundary in magnesium under cyclic loading
BY Liu, KE Prasad, N Yang, F Liu, ZW Shan
Acta Materialia 179, 414-423, 2019
Pressure sensitive flow and constraint factor in amorphous materials below glass transition
KE Prasad, V Keryvin, U Ramamurty
Journal of Materials Research 24 (03), 890-897, 2009
Room and high temperature dry sliding wear behavior of Boron modified as-cast Ti-6Al-4V alloys against hardened steel
T Dixit, I Singh, KE Prasad
Wear 420, 207-214, 2019
Temperature dependence of pressure sensitivity in a metallic glass
KE Prasad, R Raghavan, U Ramamurty
Scripta materialia 57 (2), 121-124, 2007
Effect of temperature on the plastic zone size and the shear band density in a bulk metallic glass
KE Prasad, U Ramamurty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 535, 48-52, 2012
Free-volume dependent pressure sensitivity of Zr-based bulk metallic glass
A Dubach, KE Prasad, R Raghavan, JF Loeffler, J Michler, U Ramamurty
Journal of Materials Research 24 (08), 2697-2704, 2009
On the differences in shear band characteristics between a binary Pd-Si metallic and nanoglass
A Sharma, SH Nandam, H Hahn, KE Prasad
Scripta Materialia 191, 17-22, 2021
In-situ observations and quantification of twin boundary mobility in polycrystalline magnesium
KE Prasad, KT Ramesh
Materials Science and Engineering A 617, 121-126, 2014
Comparing bio-tribocorrosion of selective laser melted Titanium-25% Niobium and conventionally manufactured Ti-6Al-4 V in inflammatory conditions
V Chakkravarthy, P Manojkumar, M Lakshmanan, KE Prasad, R Dafale, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 952, 169852, 2023
Effect of sub and above-curie temperature annealing on the nanomechanical properties of PMN-PT piezoceramics
VS Kathavate, BP Kumar, I Singh, KE Prasad
Ceramics International 46 (8), 12876-12883, 2020
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Articles 1–20