S C Gadkari
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Cited by
Mechanism of drifts in H2S sensing properties of SnO2: CuO composite thin film sensors prepared by thermal evaporation
VR Katti, AK Debnath, KP Muthe, M Kaur, AK Dua, SC Gadkari, SK Gupta, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 96 (1-2), 245-252, 2003
Luminescence properties of Eu 3+ doped CaMoO 4 nanoparticles
AK Parchur, RS Ningthoujam, SB Rai, GS Okram, RA Singh, M Tyagi, ...
Dalton Transactions 40 (29), 7595-7601, 2011
NH3 gas sensing properties of nanocrystalline ZnO based thick films
GS Devi, VB Subrahmanyam, SC Gadkari, SK Gupta
Analytica Chimica Acta 568 (1-2), 41-46, 2006
Thermoluminescence studies on Cu-doped Li2B4O7 single crystals
B Tiwari, NS Rawat, DG Desai, SG Singh, M Tyagi, P Ratna, SC Gadkari, ...
Journal of luminescence 130 (11), 2076-2083, 2010
Room temperature operating ammonia sensor based on tellurium thin films
S Sen, KP Muthe, N Joshi, SC Gadkari, SK Gupta, M Roy, SK Deshpande, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 98 (2-3), 154-159, 2004
RF sputtered SnO2: NiO thin films as sub-ppm H2S sensor operable at room temperature
M Kaur, BK Dadhich, R Singh, T Bagwaiya, S Bhattacharya, AK Debnath, ...
Sensors and actuators B: chemical 242, 389-403, 2017
TiO2/ZnO heterostructure nanowire based NO2 sensor
N Ramgir, R Bhusari, NS Rawat, SJ Patil, AK Debnath, SC Gadkari, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 106, 104770, 2020
Rapid synthesis strategy of CuO nanocubes for sensitive and selective detection of NO2
YH Navale, ST Navale, M Galluzzi, FJ Stadler, AK Debnath, NS Ramgir, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 708, 456-463, 2017
Crystal structure and photoluminescence correlations in white emitting nanocrystalline ZrO2: Eu3+ phosphor: Effect of doping and annealing
SD Meetei, SD Singh, NS Singh, V Sudarsan, RS Ningthoujam, M Tyagi, ...
Journal of Luminescence 132 (2), 537-544, 2012
TL and OSL studies on lithium borate single crystals doped with Cu and Ag
NS Rawat, MS Kulkarni, M Tyagi, P Ratna, DR Mishra, SG Singh, B Tiwari, ...
Journal of Luminescence 132 (8), 1969-1975, 2012
Passivated thick film catalytic type H2 sensor operating at low temperature
VR Katti, AK Debnath, SC Gadkari, SK Gupta, VC Sahni
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 84 (2-3), 219-225, 2002
Effect of size and aspect ratio on structural parameters and evidence of shape transition in zinc oxide nanostructures
M Ghosh, D Karmakar, S Basu, SN Jha, D Bhattacharyya, SC Gadkari, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 75 (4), 543-549, 2014
Enhanced dielectric, magnetic and optical properties of Cr-doped BiFeO3 multiferroic nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel route
AK Sinha, B Bhushan, RK Sharma, S Sen, BP Mandal, SS Meena, P Bhatt, ...
Results in Physics 13, 102299, 2019
Characterization and device application of indium doped ZnO homojunction prepared by RF magnetron sputtering
M Shaheera, KG Girija, M Kaur, V Geetha, AK Debnath, RK Vatsa, ...
Optical Materials 101, 109723, 2020
Role of ambient air on photoluminescence and electrical conductivity of assembly of ZnO nanoparticles
M Ghosh, RS Ningthoujam, RK Vatsa, D Das, V Nataraju, SC Gadkari, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (5), 2011
Detection of reducing gases by SnO2 thin films: an impedance spectroscopy study
M Kaur, SK Gupta, CA Betty, V Saxena, VR Katti, SC Gadkari, JV Yakhmi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 107 (1), 360-365, 2005
Flexo-green Polypyrrole–Silver nanocomposite films for thermoelectric power generation
M Bharti, A Singh, S Samanta, AK Debnath, DK Aswal, KP Muthe, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 144, 143-152, 2017
Thermally evaporated copper oxide films: A view of annealing effect on physical and gas sensing properties
YH Navale, ST Navale, FJ Stadler, NS Ramgir, AK Debnath, SC Gadkari, ...
Ceramics International 43 (9), 7057-7064, 2017
Transition from n-to p-type conduction concomitant with enhancement of figure-of-merit in Pb doped bismuth telluride: Material to device development
AK Bohra, R Bhatt, A Singh, S Bhattacharya, R Basu, KN Meshram, ...
Materials & Design 159, 127-137, 2018
Room temperature operated ammonia gas sensor using polycarbazole Langmuir–Blodgett film
V Saxena, S Choudhury, SC Gadkari, SK Gupta, JV Yakhmi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 107 (1), 277-282, 2005
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