Sonu Mathew
Sonu Mathew
Engineering Associate
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Cited by
Exploring the effect of road network, demographic, and land use characteristics on teen crash frequency using geographically weighted negative binomial regression
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha, S Duvvuri
Accident Analysis & Prevention 168, 106615, 2022
Modeling AADT on local functionally classified roads using land use, road density, and nearest nonlocal road data
SS Pulugurtha, S Mathew
Journal of Transport Geography 93, 103071, 2021
Roundabout capacity in heterogeneous traffic condition: Modification of HCM equation and calibration
S Mathew, A Dhamaniya, SS Arkatkar, G Joshi
Transportation Research Procedia 27, 985-992, 2017
Time occupancy as measure of PCU at four legged roundabouts
M Sonu, A Dhamaniya, S Arkatkar, G Joshi
Transportation letters 15 (10), 1251-1262, 2023
Effect of toll roads on travel time reliability within its vicinity: a case study from the state of North Carolina
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha, AS Mane
Transportation Letters 12 (9), 604-612, 2020
Effect of traffic composition and emergency lane on capacity: a case study of intercity expressway in India
N Bharadwaj, S Mathew, A Pani, S Arkatkar, G Joshi, K Ravinder
Transportation letters 10 (6), 316-332, 2018
Quantifying the effect of rainfall and visibility conditions on road traffic travel time reliability
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha
Weather, climate, and society 14 (2), 507-519, 2022
Comparative assessment of geospatial and statistical methods to estimate local road annual average daily traffic
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 147 (7), 04021035, 2021
Assessing the effect of a light rail transit system on road traffic travel time reliability
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha
Public Transport 12, 313-333, 2020
Modeling and assessing the influence of connected and automated vehicle penetration rates on urban arterial road operational performance
S Mathew, S Duvvuri, SS Pulugurtha
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020, 98-108, 2020
Synthesizing fatal crashes involving partially automated vehicles and comparing with fatal crashes involving non-automated vehicles
H Gajera, SS Pulugurtha, S Mathew, CM Bhure
Transportation Engineering 12, 100178, 2023
Modeling injury severity of crashes involving trucks: Capturing and exploring risk factors associated with land use and demographic in addition to crash, driver, and on-network …
S Duvvuri, SS Pulugurtha, S Mathew
IATSS Research 46 (4), 602-613, 2022
Development of web based road accident data management system in GIS environment: a case study
A Dhamaniya, M Sonu, M Krishnanunni, P Praveen, A Jaijin
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 44, 789-796, 2016
Influence of Level 1 and Level 2 Automated Vehicles on Fatal Crashes and Fatal Crash Occurrence
H Gajera, SS Pulugurtha, S Mathew
Effect of Weather Events on Travel Time Reliability and Crash Occurrence
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha
Examining associations with on-time performance and identifying relevant road network, demographic, socioeconomic and land use characteristics within the bus stop vicinity for …
R Mishra, SS Pulugurtha, S Mathew
Multimodal Transportation 2 (4), 100094, 2023
Spatial and temporal effects of a toll road on land use developments and travel demand
S Mathew, L Sravya Jayanthi, SS Pulugurtha
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021, 235-246, 2021
Identifying road links and variables influencing the applicability of variable speed limits using supervised machine learning and travel time data
S Duvvuri, S Mathew, R Gouribhatla, S Pulugurtha
Journal of Modern Mobility Systems 1, 125-130, 2020
How Effective are Toll Roads in Improving Operational Performance?
S Mathew, SS Pulugurtha
Risk Factors Associated with Crash Injury Severity Involving Trucks
SS Pulugurtha, S Duvvuri, S Mathew
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Articles 1–20