Yatheesh Vadakkeyakath
Yatheesh Vadakkeyakath
Principal Scientist at CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography
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A tectonic model reconciling evidence for the collisions between India, Eurasia and intra-oceanic arcs of the central-eastern Tethys
VY AD Gibbons, S Zahirovic, RD Müller, JM Whittaker
Gondwana Research, 2015
Revisiting the structure, age, and evolution of the Wharton Basin to better understand subduction under Indonesia
J Jacob, J Dyment, V Yatheesh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (1), 169-190, 2014
Paleogene plate tectonic evolution of the Arabian and Eastern Somali basins
JY Royer, AK Chaubey, J Dyment, GC Bhattacharya, K Srinivas, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 195 (1), 7-23, 2002
Plate-tectonic evolution of the deep ocean basins adjoining the western continental margin of India—a proposed model for the early opening scenario
GC Bhattacharya, V Yatheesh
Petroleum geosciences: Indian contexts, 1-61, 2015
Paleogene magnetic isochrons and palaeo-propagators in the Arabian and Eastern Somali basins, NW Indian Ocean
AK Chaubey, J Dyment, GC Bhattacharya, JY Royer, K Srinivas, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 195 (1), 71-85, 2002
Early oceanic opening off western India–Pakistan margin: the Gop Basin revisited
V Yatheesh, GC Bhattacharya, J Dyment
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284 (3-4), 399-408, 2009
The terrace like feature in the mid-continental slope region off Trivandrum and a plausible model for India–Madagascar juxtaposition in immediate pre-drift scenario
V Yatheesh, GC Bhattacharya, K Mahender
Gondwana Research 10 (1-2), 179-185, 2006
40Ar/39Ar dating of the Mumbai tholeiites and Panvel flexure: intense 62.5 Ma onshore–offshore Deccan magmatism during India-Laxmi Ridge–Seychelles breakup
K Pande, V Yatheesh, H Sheth
Geophysical Journal International 210 (2), 1160-1170, 2017
The tectonic stress field evolution of India since the Oligocene
RD Müller, V Yatheesh, M Shuhail
Gondwana Research 28, 612-624, 2015
Detailed structure and plate reconstructions of the Central Indian Ocean between 83.0 and 42.5 Ma (Chrons 34 and 20)
V Yatheesh, J Dyment, GC Bhattacharya, JY Royer, KA Kamesh Raju, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (5), 4305-4322, 2019
Structure and tectonics of the continental margins of India and the adjacent deep ocean basins: current status of knowledge and some unresolved problems
V Yatheesh
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 43 (1), 586-608, 2020
Morphotectonic architecture of an India–Madagascar breakup related anomalous submarine terrace complex on the southwest continental margin of India
V Yatheesh, PJ Kurian, GC Bhattacharya, S Rajan
Marine and Petroleum geology 46, 304-318, 2013
Morphotectonic characteristics, distribution and probable genesis of bathymetric highs off southwest coast of India
CM Bijesh, PJ Kurian, V Yatheesh, A Tyagi, D Twinkle
Geomorphology 315, 33-44, 2018
Nature of the ambient noise, site response, and orientation of ocean‐bottom seismometers (OBSs): Scientific results of a passive seismic experiment in the Andaman Sea
P Dewangan, R Reddy, KAK Raju, P Singha, KK Aswini, V Yatheesh, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (1), 248-259, 2018
Deciphering detailed plate kinematics of the Indian Ocean and developing a unified model for East Gondwanaland reconstruction: An Indian-Australian-French initiative
V Yatheesh, J Dyment, GC Bhattacharya, RD Muller
Department of Science and Technology, India, 2013
Elevated turbidity and dissolved manganese in deep water column near 10 47’S Central Indian Ridge: studies on hydrothermal activities
D Ray, KA KameshRaju, A Srinivas Rao, L SuryaPrakash, AV Mudholkar, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 40, 619-628, 2020
Formation and evolution of the Chain-Kairali Escarpment and the Vishnu Fracture Zone in the western Indian Ocean
M Shuhail, V Yatheesh, GC Bhattacharya, RD Müller, KAK Raju, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 164, 307-321, 2018
Morphotectonic signatures and revised timing of opening of the Andaman Backarc Basin, Northeast Indian Ocean
V Yatheesh, KK Aswini, KAK Raju, JJ Savio, A Gawas, P Dewangan
Tectonophysics 820, 229108, 2021
Tectonics of the Deccan trap: focus on Indian Geoscientists’ contribution in the last four years
S Mukherjee, G Dole, V Yatheesh, V Kale
Glimpse of Geoscience Researches in India. Proceedings of the Indian …, 2020
Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP): Sampling and quantifying input to the seismogenic zone and fluid output
P Vannucchi, K Ujiie, N Stroncik, A Malinverno
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc., for the …, 2011
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Articles 1–20