Babitha Thangamalar
Babitha Thangamalar
Other namesDr.J.Babitha Thangamalar
Associate Professor
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Cited by
Convolutional neural network based automated detection of mycobacterium bacillus from sputum images
K Swetha, B Sankaragomathi, JB Thangamalar
2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT …, 2020
Monitoring and Analysis of Aquatic Intake in Instructive Bodies
NM Athil, S Manikandan, JB Thangamalar, V Soundaravalli
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) 4 (3 …, 2017
A two-stage linearized model for thermistor circuit linearization using LSTM based multi-layer self-attention model
JB Thangamalar, R Gomathi, S Gopalakrishnan, B Jackson
Measurement, 116733, 2025
Enhanced Wireless Communication Optimization with Neural Networks, Proximal Policy Optimization and Edge Computing for Latency and Energy Efficiency
N Kousika, JB Thangamalar, N Pritha, B Jackson, M Aiswarya
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research 12 (2), 721-726, 2024
Linearisation of flow sensors using evolutionary optimised function-based methods
AA J.Babitha Thangamalar
Circuit World 49 (2), 113-124, 2021
Enhanced Linearization Process Based on Modified Multi Objective Covariance Matrix Adapted Evolution Strategy
JB Thangamalar, A Abudhahir
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 15 (6-7), 1779-1784, 2018
IOT based Digital Display Board
JBT Aswin Raj.S,Maharaja.M,Mano Gnanadevadoss
Feature Extraction and analysis of Electrocardiogram using Wavelet Transform
JBT Veera Shanthiram.M,M.Carmel Sobia,A.Geetha
International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System 6 …, 2017
Enhanced Linearisation Approach for CTA Linearisation based on Evolutionary Algorithm
A Abudhahir, JB Thangamalar
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 6 (10), 108-121, 2016
Implementation of Transducer Linearization Using Tanner EDA Tool
AA S.Muthu meera, J.Babitha Thangamalar
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10 (19), 14947-14950, 2015
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Articles 1–10