Sameer Maithel
Sameer Maithel
Director, Greentech Knowledge Solutions Pvt Ltd
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Cited by
Assessment of air pollutant emissions from brick kilns
U Rajarathnam, V Athalye, S Ragavan, S Maithel, D Lalchandani, ...
Atmospheric Environment 98, 549-553, 2014
Emissions from South Asian brick production
C Weyant, V Athalye, S Ragavan, U Rajarathnam, D Lalchandani, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (11), 6477-6483, 2014
Liquid biofuels in South Asia: Resources and technologies.
KNV Linoj, PD Prabha Dhavala, AG Anandajit Goswami, ...
Brick kilns performance assessment a roadmap for cleaner brick production in India
S Maithel, R Uma, T Bond, E Baum, V Thao
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and Climate Works Foundation Supported …, 2012
Brick by brick: The Herculean task of cleaning up the Asian brick industry
U Heierli, S Maithel, P Osborn
Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, Natural Resources and Environment …, 2008
Brick kilns performance assessment, emissions measurements, & a roadmap for cleaner brick production in India
S Maithel, R Uma, T Bond, E Baum, VTK Thao
Study report prepared by Green Knowledge Solutions, New Delhi, 2012
Environmental regulations and the Indian brick industry
S Maithel, R Uma
Environmental Practice 2 (3), 230-231, 2000
Evaluating energy conservation potential of brick production in India
S Maithel
SAARC Energy Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2013
Brick kilns performance assessment
S Maithel, D Lalchandani, G Malhotra, P Bhanware, R Uma, S Ragavan, ...
Greentech, New Delhi, India 164, 2012
Energy utilisation in brick kilns
S Maithel
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1-13, 2003
Factsheets about brick kilns in South and South-East Asia
S Maithel, S Kumar, D Lalchandani
Greentech Knowledge Solutions: New Dehli, India, 2014
Towards cleaner brick kilns in India: A win–win approach based on Zigzag firing technology
D Lalchandani, S Maithel
Greentech Knowledge Solutions Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2013
Renewable energy technologies for fuelwood conservation in the Indian Himalayan region
R Prasad, S Maithel, A Mirza
Sustainable Development 9 (2), 103-108, 2001
A multi-criteria decision analysis based assessment of walling materials in India
A Sabapathy, S Maithel
Building and Environment 64, 107-117, 2013
Energy conservation and pollution control in brick kilns
S Maithel, R Uma, A Kumar, N Vasudevan
Tata Energy Research Institute, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 12, 277-280, 1999
Pollution reduction and waste minimization in brick making
S Maithel, N Vasudevan, R Johri, A Kumar
Tata Research Institute, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 2002
Brick kiln measurement guidelines: Emissions and energy performance
C Weyant, S Kumar, S Maithel, R Thompson, E Baum, E Floess, T Bond
Climate and Clean Air Coalition: Paris, France, 2016
Development of RETV (Residential Envelope Transmittance Value) Formula for Cooling Dominated Climates of India for the Eco-Niwas Samhita 2018
PK Bhanware, P Jaboyedoff, S Maithel, A Lall, S Chetia, VP Kapoor, ...
Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP): New Delhi, India, 3976 …, 2019
Brick by brick: the herculean task of cleaning up the Asian brick industry. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
U Heierli, S Maithel
Natural Resources and Environment Division, Berne, 2008
Reconciliation of energy use disparities in brick production in India
K Tibrewal, C Venkataraman, H Phuleria, V Joshi, S Maithel, A Damle, ...
Nature Sustainability 6 (10), 1248-1257, 2023
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Articles 1–20