Sainadh Satya
Sainadh Satya
Solid state Institute, Technion.
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Cited by
Attosecond angular streaking and tunnelling time in atomic hydrogen
US Sainadh, H Xu, X Wang, A Atia-Tul-Noor, WC Wallace, N Douguet, ...
Nature 568 (7750), 75-77, 2019
Attoclock and the quest for tunnelling time in strong-field physics
US Sainadh, RT Sang, IV Litvinyuk
Journal of Physics: Photonics 2 (4), 042002, 2020
Relativistic nondipole effects in strong-field atomic ionization at moderate intensities
N Haram, I Ivanov, H Xu, KT Kim, A Atia-tul-Noor, US Sainadh, RD Glover, ...
Physical Review Letters 123 (9), 093201, 2019
Experimental time-resolved imaging by multiplexed ptychography
O Wengrowicz, O Peleg, B Loevsky, BK Chen, GI Haham, US Sainadh, ...
Optics Express 27 (17), 24568-24577, 2019
Effects of linear and quadratic dispersive couplings on optical squeezing in an optomechanical system
S Sainadh, MA Kumar
Physical Review A 92 (3), 033824, 2015
Precise and accurate measurements of strong-field photoionization and a transferable laser intensity calibration standard
WC Wallace, O Ghafur, C Khurmi, S Sainadh U, JE Calvert, DE Laban, ...
Physical review letters 117 (5), 053001, 2016
Effects of temperature and ground-state coherence decay on enhancement and amplification in a atomic system
M Manjappa, SS Undurti, A Karigowda, A Narayanan, BC Sanders
Physical Review A 90 (4), 043859, 2014
Displacement sensing beyond the standard quantum limit with intensity-dependent optomechanical coupling
US Sainadh, MA Kumar
Physical Review A 102 (6), 063523, 2020
Force sensing beyond standard quantum limit with optomechanical “soft” mode induced by nonlinear interaction
U Satya Sainadh, M Anil Kumar
Optics Letters 45 (3), 619-622, 2020
Measuring laser carrier-envelope-phase effects in the noble gases with an atomic hydrogen calibration standard
C Khurmi, WC Wallace, S Sainadh U, IA Ivanov, AS Kheifets, XM Tong, ...
Physical review A 96 (1), 013404, 2017
Atia-Tul-Noor, WC Wallace, N
US Sainadh, H Xu, X Wang
Douguet, AW Bray, I. Ivanov, K. Bartschat, A. Kheifets, RT Sang, and IV …, 2017
Mechanical switch for state transfer in dual-cavity optomechanical systems
AN u
Physical Review A 88 (3), 033802, 2013
Squeezing of the mechanical motion and beating 3 dB limit using dispersive optomechanical interactions
U Satya Sainadh, M Anil Kumar
Journal of Modern Optics 64 (12), 1121-1128, 2017
Mimicking a hybrid-optomechanical system using an intrinsic quadratic coupling in conventional optomechanical system
U Satya Sainadh, M Anil Kumar
Journal of Modern Optics 66 (5), 494-501, 2019
Ellipticity-dependent fragmentation of acetylene dications
N Haram, H Xu, US Sainadh, RT Sang, IV Litvinyuk
Physical Review A 97 (3), 033402, 2018
An Efficient Quantum Algorithm and Circuit to Generate Eigenstates of SU(2) and SU(3) Representations
satya sainadh u
arXiv:1309.2736v1, 2013
Disentangling relativistic non-dipole effects in strong field atomic ionisation in non-relativistic regime
N Haram, I Ivanov, H Xu, KT Kim, A Atia-tul-Noor, US Sainadh, I Litvinyuk, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412 (9), 092003, 2020
Attoclock using Atomic Hydrogen
US Sainadh, H Xu, X Wang, WC Wallace, N Douguet, I Ivanov, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (3), 022039, 2017
Intensity-dependent shift in transverse electron momentum distribution for strong field ionization
N Haram, H Xu, SS Undurti, I Ivanov, I Litvinyuk, RT Sang
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (3), 022020, 2017
Strong-field electron tunnelling dynamics in atomic hydrogen
R Sang, US Sainadh, H Xu, AT Noor, W Wallace, X Wang, A Kheifets, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2017 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20