Serge Iovleff
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Cited by
Rmixmod: The R package of the model-based unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised classification Mixmod library
R Lebret, S Iovleff, F Langrognet, C Biernacki, G Celeux, G Govaert
Journal of Statistical Software 67, 1-29, 2015
blockcluster: An R package for model-based co-clustering
PS Bhatia, S Iovleff, G Govaert
Journal of Statistical Software 76, 1-24, 2017
Estimating a nonstationary spatial structure using simulated annealing
S Iovleff, O Perrin
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13 (1), 90-105, 2004
Linear diffusion with stationary switching regime
X Guyon, S Iovleff, JF Yao
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 8, 25-35, 2004
Auto-associative models and generalized principal component analysis
S Girard, S Iovleff
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 93 (1), 21-39, 2005
Rmixmod: classification with mixture modelling
F Langrognet, R Lebret, C Poli, S Iovleff, B Auder, S Iovleff
R package version 2 (2.2), 2019
Auto-associative models, nonlinear Principal component analysis, manifolds and projection pursuit
S Girard, S Iovleff
Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction, 202-218, 2008
MixAll: Clustering and classification using model-based mixture models
S Iovleff, P Bathia
R package version 1 (2), 2018
Rmixmod: An interface for MIXMOD
B Auder, R Lebret, S Iovleff, F Langrognet
R package version 2 (2), 2014
Rmixmod: supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised classification with MIXture MODelling (Interface of MIXMOD Software), 2016
F Langrognet, R Lebret, C Poli, S Iovleff
R package version 2 (1), 0
blockcluster: Coclustering Package for Binary, Categorical, Contingency and Continuous Data-Sets
S Iovleff, P Singh Bhatia, J Demont, V Brault, V Kubicki, G Govaert, ...
R package version 4 (2), 2015
Three stochastic versions of the EM algorithm for estimating longitudinal Rasch model
A Hamon, S Iovleff
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and computation 32 (2), 275-295, 2003
The use of the least-squares minimal residual algorithm for fast and regularized attenuation compensation in SPECT
V La, P Grangeat, S Iovleff, A Mallon, P Sire
1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record 3, 1658-1662, 1996
Probabilistic auto-associative models and semi-linear PCA
S Iovleff
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 9, 267-286, 2015
MixAll: Clustering Mixed data with Missing Values
S Iovleff
Evaluation of two conjugate gradient based algorithms for quantitation in cardiac SPECT imaging
P Sire, P Grangeat, S Iovleff, V La, A Mallon
1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record 3, 1633-1637, 1996
Estimation a non-stationary spatial structure using simulated annealing
O Perrin, S Iovleff
Geo Computation 99, 0
An R Package and C++ library for Latent block models: Theory, usage and applications
P Bathia, S Iovleff, G Govaert
Journal of Statistical Software, 2017
MixAll: Clustering Heterogenous data with Missing Values
S Iovleff
Estimating non-stationary spatial structure using simulated annealing
G Iovleff, O Perrin
Technical Report, 1999
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Articles 1–20