Rongfeng Sun
Cited by
Cited by
Polynomial chaos and scaling limits of disordered systems
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 19, 1-65, 2017
Universality in marginally relevant disordered systems
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Annals of Applied Probability 27, 3050-3112, 2017
The two-dimensional KPZ equation in the entire subcritical regime
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Annals of Probability 48 (3), 1086-1127, 2020
The Brownian net
R Sun, JM Swart
The Annals of Probability 36 (3), 1153-1208, 2008
The Brownian web, the Brownian net, and their universality.
E Schertzer, R Sun, JM Swart
Advances in disordered systems, random processes and some applications., 270–368, 2017
Annealed vs quenched critical points for a random walk pinning model
M Birkner, R Sun
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 46 (2 …, 2010
Convergence of coalescing nonsimple random walks to the Brownian web
RS Charles M. Newman, Krishnamurthi Ravishankar
Electronic Journal of Probability 10, 21-60, 2005
On the Moments of the (2+1)-Dimensional Directed Polymer and Stochastic Heat Equation in the Critical Window
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2019
Stochastic flows in the Brownian web and net
E Schertzer, R Sun, J Swart
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 227, 1-176, 2014
The critical 2d stochastic heat flow
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Inventiones mathematicae 233 (1), 325-460, 2023
Survival probability of a random walk among a Poisson system of moving traps
A Drewitz, J Gärtner, AF Ramírez, R Sun
Probability in Complex Physical Systems: In Honour of Erwin Bolthausen and …, 2011
Disorder relevance for the random walk pinning model in dimension 3
M Birkner, R Sun
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 47 (1 …, 2011
The Dickman subordinator, renewal theorems, and disordered systems
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Electronic Journal of Probability 24 (paper 101), 1-40, 2019
The continuum disordered pinning model
F Caravenna, R Sun, N Zygouras
Probability theory and related fields 164 (1-2), 17-59, 2016
Convergence results and sharp estimates for the voter model interfaces
S Belhaouari, T Mountford, R Sun, G Valle, S Belhaouari, T Mountford, ...
Electron. J. Probab 11, 768–801, 2006
Continuum space limit of the genealogies of interacting Fleming-Viot processes on
A Greven, R Sun, A Winter
Electronic Journal of Probability 21, 1-64, 2016
Brownian web in the scaling limit of supercritical oriented percolation in dimension 1+ 1
A Sarkar, R Sun
Electron. J. Probab 18 (21), 1-23, 2013
A New Correlation Inequality for Ising Models with External Fields
J Ding, J Song, R Sun
Probability Theory and Related Fields 186 (1), 477-492, 2023
The critical curves of the random pinning and copolymer models at weak coupling
Q Berger, F Caravenna, J Poisat, R Sun, N Zygouras
Communications in Mathematical Physics 326 (2), 507-530, 2014
Special points of the Brownian net
E Schertzer, R Sun, JM Swart
Electronic Journal of Probability 14, 805-864, 2009
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Articles 1–20