Bali Devi
Bali Devi
Manipal University Jaipur
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DataSpeak: data extraction, aggregation, and classification using big data novel algorithm
VG Shankar, B Devi, S Srivastava
Computing, Communication and Signal Processing: Proceedings of ICCASP 2018 …, 2019
AnaData: A novel approach for data analytics using random forest tree and SVM
B Devi, S Kumar, Anuradha, VG Shankar
Computing, Communication and Signal Processing: Proceedings of ICCASP 2018 …, 2019
Mobile big data: malware and its analysis
VG Shankar, M Jangid, B Devi, S Kabra
Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart System, Innovations …, 2018
AnaBus: a proposed sampling retrieval model for business and historical data analytics
B Devi, VG Shankar, S Srivastava, DK Srivastava
Data Management, Analytics and Innovation: Proceedings of ICDMAI 2019 …, 2020
Racist tweets-based sentiment analysis using individual and ensemble classifiers
B Devi, VG Shankar, S Srivastava, K Nigam, L Narang
Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 4th …, 2021
Real-time human body tracking system for posture and movement using skeleton-based segmentation
VG Shankar, B Devi, U Sachdeva, H Harsola
Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 4th …, 2021
Indian air quality health index analysis using exploratory data analysis
VG Shankar, B Devi, A Bhatnagar, AK Sharma, DK Srivastava
Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering: Proceedings of 4th …, 2021
Predictive analysis of Alzheimer’s disease based on wrapper approach using SVM and KNN
B Devi, S Srivastava, VK Verma
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems …, 2021
A Robust Approach of COVID-19 Indian Data Analysis Using Support Vector Machine
D Jain, VG Shankar, B Devi
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable …, 2022
A formal and simple synthesis of an antifungal quinazolinone of marine source
GVR Sharma, AR Robert, B Devi
Nat Prod Chem Res 2 (142), 2, 2014
Machine Learning Assisted Binary and Multiclass Parkinson's Disease Detection
S Bhardwaj, D Arora, B Devi, VG Shankar, S Srivastava
Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Proceedings of ICISS 2022, 191-206, 2022
Predem: A computational framework for prediction of early dementia using Deep Neural Networks
D Sharma, N Soni, B Devi, VG Shankar
Procedia Computer Science 215, 697-705, 2022
MoRec: User’s Definition Inspired Analytical Approach for Movie Recommendation
P Yadav, VG Shankar, B Devi, NV Sharma, A Srivastava
International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science, 381-396, 2021
AttriML: An Intelligent Approach to Predict Employee Attrition using Exploratory Machine Learning
VG Shankar, B Devi, G Sharma
2023 International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence …, 2023
Transfer learning based novel intelligent classification for Alzheimer’s Dementia using duplex convolutional neural network
Bali Devi, Sumit Srivastava, Vivek Kumar Verma, Gaurav Aggarwal
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 26 (Issue 5 …, 2023
IHDNA: Identical Hybrid Deep Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Detection using MRI Dataset
AP Singh, N Upadhyay, VG Shankar, B Devi
2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication and …, 2023
Long Short-Term Memory-Driven Recurrent Neural Network for Real-Time Stock Monitoring and Prediction
S Patil, VG Shankar, B Devi, AP Singh, NR Upadhyay
Machine Intelligence Techniques for Data Analysis and Signal Processing …, 2023
Multiclass-Based Support Vector Machine for Parkinson’s Disease Detection on Speech Data
B Devi, S Srivastava, VK Verma
International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science, 540-557, 2021
DeepBT: Brain Tumor Detection using Deep MRI Image Analysis
S Kumari, B Devi, Anuradha, VG Shankar
International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences 9 …, 2019
A Scalable Recommendation based Approach for Predictive Restaurant Ratings and Personalized Content Filtering using Zomato Data
B Devi, B Shrivastava, VG Shankar
2024 2nd International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial …, 2024
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Articles 1–20