Prof. Manoj Kumar Soni
Prof. Manoj Kumar Soni
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
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Cited by
Concentrating solar power–technology, potential and policy in India
A Ummadisingu, MS Soni
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15 (9), 5169-5175, 2011
Historical and recent development of concentrating photovoltaic cooling technologies
S Jakhar, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 41-59, 2016
Thermal performance investigation of earth air tunnel heat exchanger coupled with a solar air heating duct for northwestern India
S Jakhar, R Misra, V Bansal, MS Soni
Energy and Buildings 87, 360-369, 2015
Thermal performance enhancement in heat exchangers using active and passive techniques: a detailed review
S Bhattacharyya, DK Vishwakarma, A Srinivasan, MK Soni, V Goel, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022
Heat transfer enhancement in absorber tube of parabolic trough concentrators using wire-coils inserts
K Diwan, MS Soni
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 3 (3), 107-112, 2015
Techno-economic parametric assessment of solar power in India: A survey
MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 40, 326-334, 2014
Parametric simulation and experimental analysis of earth air heat exchanger with solar air heating duct
S Jakhar, R Misra, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19 (2), 1059-1066, 2016
An integrated photovoltaic thermal solar (IPVTS) system with earth water heat exchanger cooling: Energy and exergy analysis
S Jakhar, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Solar Energy 157, 81-93, 2017
Field investigations to determine the thermal performance of earth air tunnel heat exchanger with dry and wet soil: Energy and exergetic analysis
R Misra, S Jakhar, KK Agrawal, S Sharma, DK Jamuwa, MS Soni, ...
Energy and Buildings 171, 107-115, 2018
Experimental and theoretical analysis of hybrid concentrated photovoltaic/thermal system using parabolic trough collector
N Gakkhar, MK Soni, S Jakhar
Applied Thermal Engineering 171, 115069, 2020
Numerical heat transfer analysis of wavy micro channels with different cross sections
K Ghule, MS Soni
Energy Procedia 109, 471-478, 2017
Performance analysis of earth water heat exchanger for concentrating photovoltaic cooling
S Jakhar, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Energy Procedia 90, 145-153, 2016
Second law thermodynamic study of solar assisted distillation system: A review
N Gakkhar, MS Soni, S Jakhar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, 519-535, 2016
Modelling and simulation of concentrating photovoltaic system with earth water heat exchanger cooling
S Jakhar, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Energy Procedia 109, 78-85, 2017
Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste, algae, and cow dung for biogas yield enhancement as a prospective approach for environmental sustainability
R Kaushal, S Sandhu, MK Soni
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (C), 102236, 2022
Experimental and theoretical analysis of glazed tube-and-sheet photovoltaic/thermal system with earth water heat exchanger cooling
S Jakhar, MS Soni
Energy Conversion and Management 153, 576-588, 2017
Performance analysis of photovoltaic panels with earth water heat exchanger cooling
S Jakhar, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
MATEC web of Conferences 55, 02003, 2016
Thermal Modeling of a Rooftop Photovoltaic/Thermal System With Earth Air Heat Exchanger for Combined Power and Space Heating
S Jakhar, MS Soni, RF Boehm
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 140 (3), 031011-031011-15, 2018
Parametric modeling and simulation of photovoltaic panels with earth water heat exchanger cooling
S Jakhar, MS Soni, N Gakkhar
Geothermal energy 4, 1-12, 2016
Comparative analysis for solar energy based learning factory: case study for TU Braunschweig and BITS Pilani
KS Sangwan, C Herrmann, MS Soni, S Jakhar, G Posselt, N Sihag, ...
Procedia CIRP 69, 407-411, 2018
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Articles 1–20