James L. Carroll
Cited by
Cited by
Turning Bayesian model averaging into Bayesian model combination
K Monteith, JL Carroll, K Seppi, T Martinez
The 2011 international joint conference on neural networks, 2657-2663, 2011
Active learning for part-of-speech tagging: Accelerating corpus annotation
E Ringger, P McClanahan, R Haertel, G Busby, M Carmen, J Carroll, ...
Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 101-108, 2007
Return on investment for active learning
RA Haertel, KD Seppi, EK Ringger, JL Carroll
Proceedings of the NIPS workshop on cost-sensitive learning 72, 2008
Capture-gated neutron spectrometry
JB Czirr, DB Merrill, D Buehler, TK McKnight, JL Carroll, T Abbott, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
Task similarity measures for transfer in reinforcement learning task libraries
JL Carroll, K Seppi
Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks …, 2005
Assessing the costs of machine-assisted corpus annotation through a user study.
EK Ringger, M Carmen, R Haertel, KD Seppi, D Lonsdale, P McClanahan, ...
LREC 8, 3318-3324, 2008
Assessing the costs of sampling methods in active learning for annotation
R Haertel, E Ringger, K Seppi, J Carroll, P McClanahan
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers, 65-68, 2008
Fixed vs. dynamic sub-transfer in reinforcement learning
J Carroll, T Peterson
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2002
Towards automatic shaping in robot navigation
TS Peterson, NE Owens, JL Carroll
Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2001
Memory-guided exploration in reinforcement learning
JL Carroll, TS Peterson, NE Owens
IJCNN'01. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Proceedings …, 2001
A bayesian decision theoretical approach to supervised learning, selective sampling, and empirical function optimization
JL Carroll
Brigham Young University, 2010
No-free-lunch and Bayesian optimality
JL Carroll, KD Seppi
IJCNN Workshop on Meta-Learning, 2007
VELO Module Production-Module Assembly
JL Carroll, T Huse
Reactions to victims. New approaches to social problems
D Coates, C Wortman, A Abbey, I Frieze, D Bar-Tal, J Carroll
San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 1979
Modeling the Annotation Process for Ancient Corpus
JL Carroll, R Haertel, P McClanahan, E Ringger, K Seppi
Proceedings of the International Conference of Electronic Corpora of Ancient …, 2007
The reconciliation of Adam and Israelite temples
JL Carroll
Studia Antiqua 3 (1), 8, 2003
Reinforcement learning task clustering (rltc)
JL Carroll, T Peterson, K Seppi
Proc. of ICMLA, 2003
A bayesian CMAC for high assurance learning
JL Carroll, KD Seppi
Applications of Neural Networks in High-Assurance Systems, NASA-IJCNN Workshop, 2007
A utile function optimizer
CK Monson, KD Seppi, JL Carroll
2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1067-1074, 2007
Task localization, similarity, and transfer; towards a reinforcement learning task library system
JL Carroll
Brigham Young University-Provo, 2005
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Articles 1–20