Vaibhav Gosavi
Vaibhav Gosavi
Assistant Professor
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Analysis of EDM Process Parameters by Using Coated Electrodes
VYG D. L. Panchal1 , S. K. Biradar2
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 41 (4), 181-185, 2016
Optimization of process parameters of nickel–chromium electroplating for thickness variation using genetic algorithm
D Khedekar, V Gosavi, C Gogte, P Brahmankar
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2016 (ICCASP …, 2016
Optimization of EDM process with coated electrode using GRA
S Biradar, D Panchal, V Gosavi
International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology 10 (3 …, 2016
Investigation of effect of process parameters in micro hole drilling
DSD Vaibhav Gosavi1 , Dr. Nitin Phafat2
International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research 2 (6 …, 2015
Analysis of the Influence of EDM Parameters in Micro Hole Drilling of Titanium Wrought Alloy
PNG Gosavi Vaibhav Y.
International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 4, 35-45, 2016
Optimization of Nickel–Chromium electroplating process for corrosion resistance using genetic algorithm
DS Khedekar, SK Biradarand, VY Gosavi
International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER …, 2016
Comparison of Insulated Electrode in Micro Hole Drilling to Avoid Secondary Discharge
VY Gosavi, NG Phafat, SD Deshmukh
Experimental investigation of machining parameter for micro hole drilling on titanium wrought alloy
DNPDMK Vaibhav Gosavi1
International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology 2 (6 …, 2015
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Articles 1–8