Sankar Basu, Ph.D
Sankar Basu, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Asutosh College (under Calcutta University), Dept. of Microbiology, Kolkata
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DockQ: A Quality Measure for Protein-Protein Docking Models
S Basu, B Wallner
PLOS ONE 11 (8), e0161879, 2016
A comprehensive computational study of amino acid interactions in membrane proteins
MN Mbaye, Q Hou, S Basu, F Teheux, F Pucci, M Rooman
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12043, 2019
DelPhiPKa: Including salt in the calculations and enabling polar residues to titrate
S Pahari, L Sun, S Basu, E Alexov
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 86 (12), 1277-1283, 2018
Finding correct protein–protein docking models using ProQDock
S Basu, B Wallner
Bioinformatics 32 (12), i262–i270, 2016
DelPhi suite: new developments and review of functionalities
C Li, Z Jia, A Chakravorty, S Pahari, Y Peng, S Basu, M Koirala, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 40 (28), 2502-2508, 2019
Inner-View of Nanomaterial Incited Protein Conformational Changes: Insights into Designable Interaction
A Mukhopadhyay, S Basu, S Singha, HK Patra
Research 2018, 9712832, 2018
Salt-bridge Networks within Globular and Disordered Proteins - Characterizing Trends for Designable Interactions
S Basu, D Mukharjee
Journal of Molecular Modeling 23, 206, 2017
Self-complementarity within proteins: bridging the gap between binding and folding
S Basu, D Bhattacharyya, R Banerjee
Biophysical Journal 102 (11), 2605-2614, 2012
Proteus: a random forest classifier to predict disorder-to-order transitioning binding regions in intrinsically disordered proteins
S Basu, F Söderquist, B Wallner
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 2017, 1-14, 2017
Salt-bridge Dynamics in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: A trade-off between electrostatic interactions and structural flexibility
S Basu, P Biswas
BBA Proteins and Proteomics 1866 (5-6), 624-641, 2018
Analysis of stacking overlap in nucleic acid structures: algorithm and application
PK Pingali, S Halder, D Mukherjee, S Basu, R Banerjee, D Choudhury, ...
Journal of computer-aided molecular design 28, 851-867, 2014
Mapping the distribution of packing topologies within protein interiors shows predominant preference for specific packing motifs
S Basu, D Bhattacharyya, R Banerjee
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-26, 2011
Applications of complementarity plot in error detection and structure validation of proteins
S Basu, D Bhattacharyya, R Banerjee
Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 51 (3), 188-200, 2014
Structural perspective on revealing and altering molecular functions of genetic variants linked with diseases
Y Peng, E Alexov, S Basu
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (3), 548, 2019
Plausible blockers of Spike RBD in SARS-CoV2—Molecular design and underlying interaction dynamics from high-level structural descriptors
S Basu, D Chakravarty, D Bhattacharyya, P Saha, HK Patra
Journal of Molecular Modeling 27 (6), 191, 2021
Equilibrium unfolding of cyclophilin from Leishmania donovani: Characterization of intermediate states
S Roy, S Basu, AK Datta, D Bhattacharyya, R Banerjee, D Dasgupta
International journal of biological macromolecules 69, 353-360, 2014
Nitric oxide sensing by chlorophyll a
A Bhattacharya, P Biswas, P Kar, P Roychoudhury, S Basu, S Ganguly, ...
Analytica chimica acta 985, 101-113, 2017
Capturing a crucial 'disorder-to-order transition' at the heart of the coronavirus molecular pathology – triggered by highly persistent, interchangeable salt-bridges
S Roy, P Ghosh, A Bandyapadhyay, S Basu
Vaccines 10 (2), 301, 2022
RNAHelix: computational modeling of nucleic acid structures with Watson–Crick and non-canonical base pairs
D Bhattacharyya, S Halder, S Basu, D Mukherjee, P Kumar, M Bansal
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 1-17, 2017
CPdock: the complementarity plot for docking of proteins: implementing multi-dielectric continuum electrostatics
S Basu
Journal of molecular modeling 24, 1-11, 2018
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Articles 1–20