SMEs and Economic Growth in India: Cointegration Analysis. A Dixit, A Kumar Pandey IUP Journal of Financial Economics 9 (2), 2011 | 120* | 2011 |
Forecasting of non-renewable and renewable energy production in India using optimized discrete grey model AK Pandey, PK Singh, M Nawaz, AK Kushwaha Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (3), 8188-8206, 2022 | 27 | 2022 |
Multiple forecasting approach: a prediction of CO2 emission from the paddy crop in India RK Pawan Kumar Singh, Alok Kumar Pandey, Sahil Ahuja Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021 | 26* | 2021 |
Export and economic growth in India: Causal interpretation AK Pandey JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ECONOMY 2 (4), 245, 2006 | 22 | 2006 |
A new grey system approach to forecast closing price of Bitcoin, Bionic, Cardano, Dogecoin, Ethereum, XRP Cryptocurrencies PK Singh, AK Pandey, SC Bose Quality & Quantity 57 (3), 2429-2446, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
COVID-19 pandemic and transmission factors: An empirical investigation of different countries AC Pawan Kumar Singh, Ravi Kiran, Rajiv Kumar Bhatt, Mosab I. Tabash, Alok ... Journal of Public Affairs, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Inequality in consumption expenditure at household level in Uttar Pradesh: Regression Based Inequality Decomposition (RBID) A Pandey Journal of Global Economy 9 (2), 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Comparison of ARIMA, SutteARIMA, and holt-winters, and NNAR models to predict food grain in India AS Ahmar, PK Singh, R Ruliana, AK Pandey, S Gupta Forecasting 5 (1), 138-152, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Globalization and WTO: Impact on India’s economic growth and export AK Pandey | 7 | 2008 |
Causality between non-tax revenue and state domestic product: A study of 20 states in India AK Pandey, A Dixit IUP Journal of Public Finance 7 (2), 25, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
Small-Scale Industries in Indian Economy: A Quantitative Appraisal. A Dixit, AK Pandey ICFAI Journal of Financial Economics 7 (2), 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
An empirical investigation of inequality among the self employed women entrepreneurs in informal sector in India A Dixit, AK Pandey International Journal of Business and Globalisation (IJBG) 24 (1), 57-77, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Forecasting global plastic production and microplastic emission using advanced optimised discrete grey model SR Balabantaray, PK Singh, AK Pandey, BK Chaturvedi, AK Sharma Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (59), 123039-123054, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
India's Trade Experience with SAARC and the Future of SAFTA AK Pandey, A Dixit Journal of Global Economy 5 (1), 3-12, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Socio-Economic Status of Slum Dwellers: A Cross-Sectional Study of five slums in Varanasi City A Pandey, A Bhardwaj Journal of Global Economy 17 (3), 164-177, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
A SWOT analysis of groundnut farm households: Evidence from Mirzapur District in India Tabash M. I., Singh P. K ., Bhatt, R. K., Pandey, A. K. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci. 27 (4), 656–666, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Poverty and Inequality in Terms of Consumption Expenditure among Agricultural Households of Indian States : Comparison based on 70th round of NSSO Data AK Pandey, D A The Indian Economic Journal Special Issue, 508-528, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Entrepreneurship and marketing among Tharu tribe in India A Dixit, AK Pandey Journal of Global Economy 6 (2), 117-136, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
Prediction of surface temperature and CO2 emission of leading emitters using grey model EGM (1,1, α, θ) PK Singh, AK Pandey, A Chouhan, GJ Singh Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (14), 39708-39723, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
An empirical investigation of pan, tobacco and intoxicants consumption at household level in India AK Pandey, A Dixit International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 6 (2), 81-102, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |