Rajat Rastogi
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Cited by
Pedestrian flow characteristics in mixed traffic conditions
KK Laxman, R Rastogi, S Chandra
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 136 (1), 23-33, 2010
Pedestrian crossing behaviour analysis at intersections
A Jain, A Gupta, R Rastogi
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering 4 (1), 103-116, 2014
Travel characteristics of commuters accessing transit: Case study
R Rastogi, KV Krishna Rao
Journal of Transportation Engineering 129 (6), 684-694, 2003
Design implications of walking speed for pedestrian facilities
R Rastogi, I Thaniarasu, S Chandra
Journal of transportation engineering 137 (10), 687-696, 2011
Parametric study of pedestrian speeds at midblock crossings
R Rastogi, S Chandra, J Vamsheedhar, VR Das
Journal of urban planning and development 137 (4), 381-389, 2011
Pedestrian flow characteristics for different pedestrian facilities and situations
R Rastogi, S Chandra
EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013
Descriptive and parametric analysis of pedestrian gap acceptance in mixed traffic conditions
S Chandra, R Rastogi, VR Das
KSCE journal of civil engineering 18, 284-293, 2014
Pavement deterioration and maintenance model for low volume roads
A Gupta, P Kumar, R Rastogi
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 4 (4), 195, 2011
Social and psychological factors influencing destination preferences of domestic tourists in India
H Madhavan, R Rastogi
Leisure Studies 32 (2), 207-217, 2013
Defining transit accessibility with environmental inputs
R Rastogi, KVK Rao
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 8 (5), 383-396, 2003
Critical review of flexible pavement performance models
A Gupta, P Kumar, R Rastogi
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 18, 142-148, 2014
Willingness to shift to walking or bicycling to access suburban rail: Case study of Mumbai, India
R Rastogi
Journal of urban planning and development 136 (1), 3-10, 2010
Promotion of non-motorized modes as a sustainable transportation option: policy and planning issues
R Rastogi
Current Science, 1340-1348, 2011
Survey design for studying transit access behavior in Mumbai City, India
R Rastogi, KVK Rao
Journal of transportation engineering 128 (1), 68-79, 2002
Mechanistic–empirical approach for design of low volume pavements
A Gupta, P Kumar, R Rastogi
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 16 (9), 797-808, 2015
Pedestrian flow characteristics in mixed flow conditions
KL Kotkar, R Rastogi, S Chandra
Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE 136 (3), 23-33, 2010
Estimation of critical gap on a roundabout by minimizing the sum of absolute difference in accepted gap data
A Ahmad, R Rastogi, S Chandra
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 42 (12), 1011-1018, 2015
Regression model for entry capacity of a roundabout under mixed traffic condition–an Indian case study
A Ahmad, R Rastogi
Transportation Letters 9 (5), 243-257, 2017
An approach for the estimation of entry flows on roundabouts
S Mahesh, A Ahmad, R Rastogi
Transportation Research Procedia 17, 52-62, 2016
Identifying knowledge gaps in the research and management of invasive species in India
NA Mungi, M Kaushik, NP Mohanty, R Rastogi, J Antony Johnson, ...
Biologia 74, 623-629, 2019
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Articles 1–20