indu shekhar thakur
indu shekhar thakur
Professor and Director, Amity School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Amity University Haryana
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Algae as potential feedstock for the production of biofuels and value-added products: Opportunities and challenges
M Kumar, Y Sun, R Rathour, A Pandey, IS Thakur, DCW Tsang
Science of the Total Environment 716, 137116, 2020
Review of trends in biogas upgradation technologies and future perspectives
S Sahota, G Shah, P Ghosh, R Kapoor, S Sengupta, P Singh, V Vijay, ...
Bioresource Technology Reports 1, 79-88, 2018
Conversion of food and kitchen waste to value-added products
R Sindhu, E Gnansounou, S Rebello, P Binod, S Varjani, IS Thakur, ...
Journal of environmental management 241, 619-630, 2019
Microbial diversity: application of microorganisms for the biodegradation of xenobiotics
RK Jain, M Kapur, S Labana, B Lal, PM Sarma, D Bhattacharya, IS Thakur
Current science, 101-112, 2005
Carbon dioxide capture, storage and production of biofuel and biomaterials by bacteria: A review
M Kumar, S Sundaram, E Gnansounou, C Larroche, IS Thakur
Bioresource technology 247, 1059-1068, 2018
Isolation and process parameter optimization of Aspergillus sp. for removal of chromium from tannery effluent
S Srivastava, IS Thakur
Bioresource technology 97 (10), 1167-1173, 2006
Bioassays for toxicological risk assessment of landfill leachate: A review
P Ghosh, IS Thakur, A Kaushik
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 141, 259-270, 2017
Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates: Opportunities, challenges, and prospects
M Kumar, R Rathour, R Singh, Y Sun, A Pandey, E Gnansounou, KYA Lin, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 263, 121500, 2020
Advances in biogas valorization and utilization systems: A comprehensive review
R Kapoor, P Ghosh, B Tyagi, VK Vijay, V Vijay, IS Thakur, H Kamyab, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 273, 123052, 2020
Nitrification and denitrification processes for mitigation of nitrous oxide from waste water treatment plants for biovalorization: Challenges and opportunities
IS Thakur, K Medhi
Bioresource technology 282, 502-513, 2019
Biosorption Potency of Aspergillus niger for Removal of Chromium (VI)
S Srivastava, IS Thakur
Current microbiology 53, 232-237, 2006
Evaluation of bioremediation and detoxification potentiality of Aspergillus niger for removal of hexavalent chromium in soil microcosm
S Srivastava, IS Thakur
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (7), 1904-1911, 2006
Sequestration and utilization of carbon dioxide by chemical and biological methods for biofuels and biomaterials by chemoautotrophs: Opportunities and challenges
IS Thakur, M Kumar, SJ Varjani, Y Wu, E Gnansounou, S Ravindran
Bioresource technology 256, 478-490, 2018
Assessment of methane emissions and energy recovery potential from the municipal solid waste landfills of Delhi, India
P Ghosh, G Shah, R Chandra, S Sahota, H Kumar, VK Vijay, IS Thakur
Bioresource technology 272, 611-615, 2019
Remediation strategies for mitigation of phthalate pollution: challenges and future perspectives
MT Das, SS Kumar, P Ghosh, G Shah, SK Malyan, S Bajar, IS Thakur, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 409, 124496, 2021
Evaluation of biosorption potency of Acinetobacter sp. for removal of hexavalent chromium from tannery effluent
S Srivastava, IS Thakur
Biodegradation 18, 637-646, 2007
Removal of chromium and pentachlorophenol from tannery effluents
S Srivastava, AH Ahmad, IS Thakur
Bioresource Technology 98 (5), 1128-1132, 2007
Burkholderia: an untapped but promising bacterial genus for the conversion of aromatic compounds
R Morya, D Salvachúa, IS Thakur
Trends in Biotechnology 38 (9), 963-975, 2020
Investigating the nitrification and denitrification kinetics under aerobic and anaerobic conditions by Paracoccus denitrificans ISTOD1
K Medhi, A Singhal, DK Chauhan, IS Thakur
Bioresource technology 242, 334-343, 2017
Characterization of microalga Scenedesmus sp. ISTGA1 for potential CO2 sequestration and biodiesel production
R Tripathi, J Singh, IS Thakur
Renewable Energy 74, 774-781, 2015
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