Naya Nagy
Naya Nagy
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
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Cited by
Active directory and related aspects of security
A Binduf, HO Alamoudi, H Balahmar, S Alshamrani, H Al-Omar, N Nagy
2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC), 4474-4479, 2018
The maximum flow problem: A real-time approach
N Nagy, SG Akl
Parallel Computing 29 (6), 767-794, 2003
Phishing URLs detection using sequential and parallel ML techniques: comparative analysis
N Nagy, M Aljabri, A Shaahid, AA Ahmed, F Alnasser, L Almakramy, ...
Sensors 23 (7), 3467, 2023
Authenticated quantum key distribution without classical communication
N Nagy, SG Akl
Parallel processing letters 17 (03), 323-335, 2007
Quantum cryptography on IBM QX
ALM Dhoha, ALK Mashael, ALA Ghadeer, ALA Manal, M Al Fosail, ...
2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information …, 2019
Computations with uncertain time constraints: effects on parallelism and universality
N Nagy
Unconventional computation/Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2011
Quantum security in wireless sensor networks
N Nagy, M Nagy, SG Akl
Natural Computing 9, 819-830, 2010
Quantum image steganography schemes for data hiding: A survey
N Min-Allah, N Nagy, M Aljabri, M Alkharraa, M Alqahtani, D Alghamdi, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (20), 10294, 2022
Quantum bitcoin mining
R Benkoczi, D Gaur, N Nagy, M Nagy, S Hossain
Entropy 24 (3), 323, 2022
Key distribution versus key enhancement in quantum cryptography
N Nagy, M Nagy, SG Akl
Parallel processing letters 20 (03), 239-250, 2010
Security related issues in Saudi Arabia small organizations: a Saudi case study
D Almubayedh, G Alazman, M Alabdali, R Al-Refai, N Nagy
2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC), 1-6, 2018
Computing with uncertainty and its implications to universality
N Nagy, SG Akl
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 27 (2 …, 2012
The Impact of Digital Technology on Female Students’ Learning Experience in Partition-Rooms: Conditioned by Social Context
MA Elhussein, D Düştegör, N Nagy, AKH Alghamdi
IEEE Transactions on Education 61 (4), 265-273, 2018
Aspects of biomolecular computing
N Nagy, SG Akl
Parallel processing letters 17 (02), 185-211, 2007
An information-theoretic perspective on the quantum bit commitment impossibility theorem
M Nagy, N Nagy
Entropy 20 (3), 193, 2018
Quantum authenticated key distribution
N Nagy, SG Akl
International Conference on Unconventional Computation, 127-136, 2007
Quantum bit commitment on IBM QX
DA Almubayedh, G Alazman, M Alkhalis, M Alabdali, N Nagy, M Nagy, ...
Quantum Information Processing 19 (2), 55, 2020
Carving Secret Messages out of Public Information.
N Nagy, M Nagy, SG Akl
J. Comput. Sci. 11 (1), 64-70, 2015
Unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment protocol based on incomplete information
N Nagy, M Nagy
Theory and Practice of Natural Computing: Third International Conference …, 2014
A quantum cryptographic solution to the problem of access control in a hierarchy
N Nagy, SG Akl
Parallel processing letters 20 (03), 251-261, 2010
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Articles 1–20