Pablo Sánchez
Pablo Sánchez
Institut de Ciències del Mar
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Determinants of community structure in the global plankton interactome
G Lima-Mendez, K Faust, N Henry, J Decelle, S Colin, F Carcillo, ...
Science 348 (6237), 1262073, 2015
Gene expression changes and community turnover differentially shape the global ocean metatranscriptome
G Salazar, L Paoli, A Alberti, J Huerta-Cepas, HJ Ruscheweyh, M Cuenca, ...
Cell 179 (5), 1068-1083. e21, 2019
Uncharted biosynthetic potential of the ocean microbiome
L Paoli, HJ Ruscheweyh, CC Forneris, S Kautsar, Q Clayssen, G Salazar, ...
bioRxiv, 2021
Deep ocean metagenomes provide insight into the metabolic architecture of bathypelagic microbial communities
SG Acinas, P Sánchez, G Salazar, FM Cornejo-Castillo, M Sebastián, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 1-15, 2021
Lipid remodelling is a widespread strategy in marine heterotrophic bacteria upon phosphorus deficiency
M Sebastián, AF Smith, JM González, HF Fredricks, B Van Mooy, ...
The ISME Journal 10, 968-978, 2016
A metagenomic assessment of microbial eukaryotic diversity in the global ocean
A Obiol, CR Giner, P Sánchez, CM Duarte, SG Acinas, R Massana
Molecular ecology resources 20 (3), 718-731, 2020
Compendium of 530 metagenome-assembled bacterial and archaeal genomes from the polar Arctic Ocean
M Royo-Llonch, P Sánchez, C Ruiz-González, G Salazar, C Pedrós-Alió, ...
Nature Microbiology 6 (12), 1561-1574, 2021
A myovirus encoding both photosystem I and II proteins enhances cyclic electron flow in infected Prochlorococcus cells
S Fridman, J Flores-Uribe, S Larom, O Alalouf, O Liran, I Yacoby, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (10), 1350, 2017
Unifying the known and unknown microbial coding sequence space
C Vanni, MS Schechter, SG Acinas, A Barberán, PL Buttigieg, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.06. 30.180448, 2021
Accessing the genomic information of unculturable oceanic picoeukaryotes by combining multiple single cells
JF Mangot, R Logares, P Sánchez, F Latorre, Y Seeleuthner, S Mondy, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 41498, 2017
Stocking density and sex influence individual growth of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)
P Sánchez, PP Ambrosio, R Flos
Aquaculture 300 (1-4), 93-101, 2010
Long-term seasonal and interannual variability of marine aerobic anoxygenic photoheterotrophic bacteria
A Auladell, P Sánchez, O Sánchez, JM Gasol, I Ferrera
The ISME journal 13 (8), 1975-1987, 2019
Stocking density and its influence on shape of Senegalese sole adults
PP Ambrosio, C Costa, P Sánchez, R Flos
Aquaculture International 16 (4), 333, 2008
The Ocean Gene Atlas v2. 0: online exploration of the biogeography and phylogeny of plankton genes
C Vernette, J Lecubin, P Sánchez, S Sunagawa, TO Delmont, SG Acinas, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 50 (W1), W516-W526, 2022
Diversity and distribution of marine heterotrophic bacteria from a large culture collection
I Sanz-Sáez, G Salazar, P Sánchez, E Lara, M Royo-Llonch, EL Sà, ...
BMC microbiology 20 (1), 1-16, 2020
Differences and similarities in endothelial and angiogenic profiles of preeclampsia and COVID-19 in pregnancy
M Palomo, L Youssef, A Ramos, S Torramade-Moix, AB Moreno-Castaño, ...
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 227 (2), 277. e1-277. e16, 2022
Delineation of ecologically distinct units of marine Bacteroidetes in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
C Díez‐Vives, S Nielsen, P Sánchez, O Palenzuela, I Ferrera, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (11), 2846-2859, 2019
Origin and dispersal routes of foreign green and Kemp’s ridley turtles in Spanish Atlantic and Mediterranean waters
C Carreras, C Monzón-Argüello, LF López-Jurado, P Calabuig, JJ Bellido, ...
Abiotic selection of microbial genome size in the global ocean
DK Ngugi, SG Acinas, P Sánchez, JM Gasol, S Agusti, DM Karl, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1384, 2023
A consensus protocol for the recovery of mercury methylation genes from metagenomes
E Capo, BD Peterson, M Kim, DS Jones, SG Acinas, M Amyot, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 23 (1), 190-204, 2023
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Articles 1–20