Abhishek Malhotra
Abhishek Malhotra
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Use cases for stationary battery technologies: A review of the literature and existing projects
A Malhotra, B Battke, M Beuse, A Stephan, T Schmidt
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, 705-721, 2016
Accelerating low-carbon innovation
A Malhotra, TS Schmidt
Joule 4 (11), 2259-2267, 2020
The role of inter-sectoral learning in knowledge development and diffusion: Case studies on three clean energy technologies
A Malhotra, TS Schmidt, J Huenteler
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 146, 464-487, 2019
Scaling up finance for off-grid renewable energy: The role of aggregation and spatial diversification in derisking investments in mini-grids for rural electrification in India
A Malhotra, TS Schmidt, L Haelg, O Waissbein
Energy Policy 108, 657-672, 2017
How do new use environments influence a technology's knowledge trajectory? A patent citation network analysis of lithium-ion battery technology
A Malhotra, H Zhang, M Beuse, T Schmidt
Research Policy 50 (9), 104318, 2021
Report: Perspectives of Power-to-X technologies in Switzerland: Supplementary Report to the White Paper
T Kober, C Bauer, C Bach, M Beuse, G Georges, M Held, S Heselhaus, ...
ETH Zurich, 2019
Building institutional capacity for addressing climate and sustainable development goals: achieving energy efficiency in India
A Malhotra, A Mathur, S Diddi, AD Sagar
Climate Policy, 1-19, 2022
Innovation, technology development and transfer
G Blanco, HC de Coninck, L Agbemabiese, LD Anadon, YS Lim, ...
IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution …, 2022
Trade-offs and synergies in power sector policy mixes: The case of Uttar Pradesh, India
A Malhotra
Energy Policy 164, 112936, 2022
Catching-up in green industries: the role of product architecture
T Matsuo, A Malhotra, TS Schmidt
Innovation and Development 14 (1), 135-164, 2022
Derisking renewable energy investment: off-grid electrification
O Waissbein, H Bayraktar, C Henrich, TS Schmidt, A Malhotra
UNDP; ETH Zurich, 2018
The age of renewable energy power: Designing national roadmaps for a successful transformation
R Kempener, A Malhotra, G De Vivero
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Abu Dhabi, 2015
Globalising innovation through co-inventions–the success case of the Korean lithium-ion battery industry
L Peiseler, YL Jun, N Schmid, P Waidelich, A Malhotra, TS Schmidt
Environmental Research Letters 19 (3), 034025, 2024
Understanding India’s low-carbon energy technology startup landscape
H Krishna, Y Kashyap, D Dutt, AD Sagar, A Malhotra
Nature Energy, 1-12, 2023
Accelerating low-carbon innovation through policy
A Malhotra, T Schmidt, J Huenteler
AAAS Annual Meeting 2017: Serving Society Through Science Policy, panel …, 2017
Designing ‘technology-smart’, self-reinforcing policies: Lithium-ion battery policy and industry localisation
S Sewerin, M Beuse, A Malhotra, KE Lonergan, M Maeder, W Zhu, ...
4th International Conference on Public Policy, 2019
Policy Design for Low-Carbon Development: Case Studies on Technological Change in the Electricity Sector
A Malhotra
ETH Zurich, 2019
Technological Complexity, Experience Rates and Low-Carbon Innovation and Industrial Policies: A Novel Approach Leveraging Machine Learning and Patent Networks
T Schmidt, A Malhotra, L Kaack, R Casaluce
2023 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2023
Ahmedabad University-CTIER Conference 2021| Environment (Video)
SK Sahu, A Malhotra, A Sagar
Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad., 2021
Compilation of good practices and lessons learned on international collaborative research, development and demonstration initiatives of climate technology
D Phylipsen, H de Coninck, AD Sagar, A Malhotra, 2021
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Articles 1–20