Peng Zeng(曾鹏)
Peng Zeng(曾鹏)
Chengdu University of Technology
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Prediction of slope stability using naive Bayes classifier
X Feng, S Li, C Yuan, P Zeng, Y Sun
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22, 941-950, 2018
Reliability analysis of circular tunnel face stability obeying Hoek–Brown failure criterion considering different distribution types and correlation structures
P Zeng, S Senent, R Jimenez
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 30 (1), 04014126, 2016
System reliability analysis of layered soil slopes using fully specified slip surfaces and genetic algorithms
P Zeng, R Jimenez, R Jurado-Piña
Engineering geology 193, 106-117, 2015
DEM simulation of rock creep in tunnels using Rate Process Theory
JG Gutiérrez-Ch, S Senent, P Zeng, R Jimenez
Computers and Geotechnics 142, 104559, 2022
An approximation to the reliability of series geotechnical systems using a linearization approach
P Zeng, R Jimenez
Computers and Geotechnics 62, 304-309, 2014
Prediction of time-dependent tunnel convergences using a Bayesian updating approach
X Feng, R Jimenez, P Zeng, S Senent
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 94, 103118, 2019
From probabilistic back analyses to probabilistic run-out predictions of landslides: A case study of Heifangtai terrace, Gansu Province, China
X Sun, P Zeng, T Li, S Wang, R Jimenez, X Feng, Q Xu
Engineering geology 280, 105950, 2021
3D probabilistic landslide run-out hazard evaluation for quantitative risk assessment purposes
P Zeng, X Sun, Q Xu, T Li, T Zhang
Engineering Geology 293, 106303, 2021
An efficient quasi-Newton approximation-based SORM to estimate the reliability of geotechnical problems
P Zeng, R Jimenez, T Li
Computers and Geotechnics 76, 33-42, 2016
Binary classification method for efficient and accurate system reliability analyses of layered soil slopes
P Zeng, T Zhang, T Li, R Jimenez, J Zhang, X Sun
Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and …, 2022
Dynamic and probabilistic multi-class prediction of tunnel squeezing intensity
Y Chen, T Li, P Zeng, J Ma, E Patelli, B Edwards
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 3521-3542, 2020
Geotechnical Reliability Analysis: Theories, Methods and Algorithms
J Zhang, T Xiao, J Ji, P Zeng, Z Cao
Springer Nature, 2023
Extension of quasi-Newton approximation-based SORM for series system reliability analysis of geotechnical problems
P Zeng, T Li, R Jimenez, X Feng, Y Chen
Engineering with Computers 34, 215-224, 2018
Run-out distance exceedance probability evaluation and hazard zoning of an individual landslide
X Sun, P Zeng, T Li, T Zhang, X Feng, R Jimenez
Landslides 18, 1295-1308, 2021
Probabilistic hazard assessment of landslide-induced river damming
P Zeng, S Wang, X Sun, X Fan, T Li, D Wang, B Feng, X Zhu
Engineering Geology 304, 106678, 2022
Rock shear creep modelling: DEM–Rate process theory approach
JG Gutiérrez-Ch, S Senent, EP Graterol, P Zeng, R Jimenez
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 161, 105295, 2023
System reliability analysis of soil slopes through constrained optimization
X Duan, J Zhang, H Huang, P Zeng, L Zhang
Landslides 18, 655-666, 2021
王栋, 王剑锋, 李天斌, 曾鹏, 马俊杰, 陈伟
地质力学学报 27 (1), 96-104, 2021
System reliability analysis of soil slopes using shear strength reduction and active-learning surrogate models
T Zhang, P Zeng, R Jimenez, T Li, X Feng, X Sun
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (6), 470, 2022
New collocation method for stochastic response surface reliability analyses
P Zeng, T Li, Y Chen, R Jimenez, X Feng, S Senent
Engineering with Computers 36, 1751-1762, 2020
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Articles 1–20