Dr Pankaj Chandre
Dr Pankaj Chandre
Other namesPankaj Chandre, Pankaj R Chandre
MIT School of Computing, MIT ADT University, Pune
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Cited by
Machine learning based novel approach for intrusion detection and prevention system: A tool based verification
PR Chandre, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde
2018 IEEE global conference on wireless computing and networking (GCWCN …, 2018
Deep learning and machine learning techniques for intrusion detection and prevention in wireless sensor networks: comparative study and performance analysis
PR Chandre, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde
Design frameworks for wireless networks, 95-120, 2020
Intrusion prevention system using convolutional neural network for wireless sensor network
PR Chandre, P Mahalle, G Shinde
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 11 (2), 504, 2022
Intrusion prevention framework for WSN using deep CNN
PR Chandre, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (6 …, 2021
Association rule mining methods for applying encryption techniques in transaction dataset
H Jadhav, P Chandre
2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics …, 2016
Smart healthcare wearable device for early disease detection using machine learning
SS Damre, BD Shendkar, N Kulkarni, PR Chandre, S Deshmukh
Int. J. Intell. Syst. Appl. Eng 12, 158-166, 2024
Survey of image retrieval techniques and algorithms for image-rich information networks
VS Kore, BA Tidke, P Chandre
International journal of computer applications 112 (6), 2015
Survey on: Naive Bayesian and AOCR Based Image and Text Spam Mail Filtering System
SS Deshmukh, PR Chandre
International Journal of Emerging Technoogy and Advanced Enginerring, 0
A comparative analysis of machine deep learning algorithms for intrusion detection in wsn
S Deshpande, J Gujarathi, P Chandre, P Nerkar
Security Issues and Privacy Threats in Smart Ubiquitous Computing, 173-193, 2021
Prevention in Healthcare: An Explainable AI Approach
S Makubhai, GR Pathak, PR Chandre
no. April, 92-100, 2023
Issue tracking system with duplicate issue detection
AP Kshirsagar, PR Chandre
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer and …, 2015
Explainable AI for Intrusion Prevention: A Review of Techniques and Applications
PR Chandre, V Vanarote, R Patil, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde, M Nimbalkar, ...
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for …, 2023
The Rise of Crypto Malware: Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques to Understand the Evolution, Impact, and Detection of Cryptocurrency-Related Threats
GS Dhotre, D. ., Chandre, P. R. ., Khandare, A. ., Patil, M. ., & Gawande
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and …, 2023
Defending Against Vishing Attacks: A Comprehensive Review for Prevention and Mitigation Techniques
S Ashfaq, P Chandre, S Pathan, U Mande, M Nimbalkar, P Mahalle
International Conference on Recent Developments in Cyber Security, 411-422, 2023
Dynamic cluster head selection to detect gray hole attack using intrusion detection system in MANETs
R Funde, P Chandre
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer and …, 2015
Implementation of enhanced security on vehicular cloud computing
K RajbhojSupriya, PR Chandre
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies …, 2014
11 Role of Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence
R Patil, NP Sable, PN Mahalle, GR Shinde, P Dhotre, P Chandre
Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence for Multidisciplinary Applications, 159, 2024
Predicting lung cancer risk using explainable artificial intelligence
SS Makubhai, GR Pathak, PR Chandre
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 13 (2), 1276-1285, 2024
Developing an Explainable AI Model for Predicting Patient Readmissions in Hospitals
P Chandre, V Vanarote, M Kuri, A Uttarkar, A Dhore, S Pathan
2023 2nd International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA …, 2023
Zero Trust Security Paradigm: A Comprehensive Survey and Research Analysis.
S Ashfaq, SA Patil, S Borde, P Chandre, PM Shafi, A Jadhav
Journal of Electrical Systems 19 (2), 2023
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Articles 1–20