Kirk Cureton
Kirk Cureton
Professor Emeritus of Kinesiology, University of Georgia
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Effects of concentric and eccentric training on muscle strength, cross-sectional area, and neural activation
EJ Higbie, KJ Cureton, GL Warren III, BM Prior
Journal of applied physiology 81 (5), 2173-2181, 1996
Muscle hypertrophy in men and women.
KJ Cureton, MA Collins, DW Hill, FM McElhannon Jr
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 20 (4), 338-344, 1988
Sprint interval training effects on aerobic capacity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
NH Gist, MV Fedewa, RK Dishman, KJ Cureton
Sports medicine 44, 269-279, 2014
In vivo validation of whole body composition estimates from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
BM Prior, KJ Cureton, CM Modlesky, EM Evans, MA Sloniger, M Saunders, ...
Journal of applied physiology 83 (2), 623-630, 1997
Exercise and fitness in childhood: implications for a lifetime of health
SN Blair
Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine. Volume II. Youth …, 1989
Cooling vest worn during active warm-up improves 5-km run performance in the heat
SÁ Arngrïmsson, DS Petitt, MG Stueck, DK Jorgensen, KJ Cureton
Journal of applied physiology, 2004
Exercise and obesity: etiology, physiology, and intervention.
JK Thompson, GJ Jarvie, BB Lahey, KJ Cureton
Psychological Bulletin 91 (1), 55, 1982
Sex difference in muscular strength in equally-trained men and women
P Bishop, K Cureton, M Collins
Ergonomics 30 (4), 675-687, 1987
A generalized equation for prediction of VO2peak from 1-mile run/walk performance.
KJ Cureton, MA Sloniger, JP O'Bannon, DM Black, WP McCORMACK
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 27 (3), 445-451, 1995
Ratings of perceived exertion at the lactate threshold in trained and untrained men and women
JJ Demello, KJ Cureton, RE Boineau, MM Singh
Med Sci Sports Exerc 19 (4), 354-362, 1987
Criterion-referenced standards for youth health-related fitness tests: a tutorial
KJ Cureton, GL Warren
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 61 (1), 7-19, 1990
Development of youth aerobic-capacity standards using receiver operating characteristic curves
GJ Welk, KR Laurson, JC Eisenmann, KJ Cureton
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (4), S111-S116, 2011
Responses to preferred intensities of exertion in men differing in activity levels.
RK Dishman, RP Farquhar, KJ Cureton
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 26 (6), 783-790, 1994
Effect of experimental alterations in excess weight on aerobic capacity and distance running performance.
KJ Cureton, PB Sparling, BW Evans, SM Johnson, UD Kong, JW Purvis
Medicine and science in sports 10 (3), 194-199, 1978
Ergogenic effects of low doses of caffeine on cycling performance
NT Jenkins, JL Trilk, A Singhal, PJ O’Connor, KJ Cureton
International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism 18 (3), 328-342, 2008
Effect of sprint interval training on circulatory function during exercise in sedentary, overweight/obese women
JL Trilk, A Singhal, KA Bigelman, KJ Cureton
European journal of applied physiology 111 (8), 1591-1597, 2011
Status of field-based fitness testing in children and youth
PS Freedson, KJ Cureton, GW Heath
Preventive medicine 31 (2), S77-S85, 2000
Distance running performance and metabolic responses to running in men and women with excess weight experimentally equated.
KJ Cureton, PB Sparling
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 12 (4), 288-294, 1980
Sex difference in maximal oxygen uptake: effect of equating haemoglobin concentration
K Cureton, P Bishop, P Hutchinson, H Newland, S Vickery, L Zwiren
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 54 (6 …, 1986
Comparison of serum testosterone and androstenedione responses to weight lifting in men and women
LW Weiss, KJ Cureton, FN Thompson
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 50, 413-419, 1983
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