Benjamín A. Itzá-Ortiz
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Cited by
Multichannel detrended fluctuation analysis reveals synchronized patterns of spontaneous spinal activity in anesthetized cats
EE Rodríguez, E Hernández-Lemus, BA Itzá-Ortiz, I Jiménez, P Rudomín
PLoS One 6 (10), e26449, 2011
A mobile app (iBeni) with a neuropsychological basis for cognitive stimulation for elderly adults: pilot and validation study
CI Martínez-Alcalá, A Rosales-Lagarde, E Hernández-Alonso, ...
JMIR research protocols 7 (8), e9603, 2018
A comparative analysis of urban development, economic level, and COVID-19 cases in Mexico City
R Molina-Torres, O Nolasco-Jáuregui, EE Rodriguez-Torres, BA Itzá-Ortiz, ...
Journal of Urban Management 10 (3), 265-274, 2021
Eigenvalues,-theory and Minimal Flows
BA Itzá-Ortiz
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 59 (3), 596-613, 2007
The C*-algebras associated to time-t automorphisms of mapping tori
BA Itza-Ortiz
Journal of Operator Theory, 403-421, 2006
Realization of a simple higher-dimensional noncommutative torus as a transformation group C*-algebra
BA Itzá-Ortiz, NC Phillips
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 40 (2), 217-226, 2008
The color of noise and weak stationarity at the NREM to REM sleep transition in mild cognitive impaired subjects
A Rosales-Lagarde, EE Rodriguez-Torres, BA Itzá-Ortiz, P Miramontes, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1205, 2018
A class of tridiagonal operators associated to some subshifts
C Hernández-Becerra, BA Itzá-Ortiz
Open Mathematics 14 (1), 352-360, 2015
The numerical range of some periodic tridiagonal operators is the convex hull of the numerical ranges of two finite matrices
BA Itzá-Ortiz, RA Martínez-Avendaño, H Nakazato
Linear and multilinear algebra 69 (15), 2830-2849, 2021
The numerical range of a periodic tridiagonal operator reduces to the numerical range of a finite matrix
BA Itzá-Ortiz, RA Martínez-Avendaño, H Nakazato
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 506 (2), 125713, 2022
The numerical range of a class of periodic tridiagonal operators
BA Itzá-Ortiz, RA Martínez-Avendaño
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 69 (5), 786-806, 2021
Mathematical model with time‐delay and delayed controller for a bioreactor
R Villafuerte‐Segura, BA Itzá‐Ortiz, PA López‐Pérez, E Alvarado‐Santos
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46 (1), 248-266, 2023
D-branes in orientifolds and orbifolds and Kasparov KK-theory
H Garcia-Compean, W Herrera-Suarez, BA Itza-Ortiz, O Loaiza-Brito
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (12), 007, 2008
Dissociation of Arousal Index Between REM and NREM Sleep in Elderly Adults with Cognitive Impairment, No Dementia: A Pilot Study
A Rosales-Lagarde, L Cubero-Rego, F Menéndez-Conde, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 1-15, 2023
Sobre la igualdad entre la envolvente convexa de dos círculos con la unión de cierta familia de elipses.
BA Itzá-Ortiz, RA Martínez-Avendaño, V Nopal-Coello, R Villarroel-Flores
Pädi Boletín Científico de Ciencias Básicas e Ingenierías del ICBI 10 …, 2022
Conditions for stable equilibrium in Cournot duopoly models with tax evasion and time delay
R Villafuerte-Segura, E Alvarado-Santos, BA Itzá-Ortiz
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (1), 2020
Modelos de duopolio de Cournot con evasión de impuestos
BA Itzá-Ortiz, Y Mera-Lorenzo
Miscelánea Matemática 55, 45-63, 2012
The C*-algebras associated with irrational time homeomorphisms of suspensions
BA Itza-Ortiz
University of Oregon, 2003
Mathematical modeling for water supply by means of natural supply sources: the case of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo
JN Gutiérrez-Corona, BA Itzá-Ortiz, A Torres-Mendoza, VG Tzatchkov, ...
Sustainable Water Resources Management 10 (2), 63, 2024
Digital images unveil geometric structures in pairs of relatively prime numbers
BA Itzá-Ortiz, R López-Hernández, P Miramontes
The Mathematical Intelligencer 42, 30-35, 2020
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Articles 1–20