Shaji R.S
Shaji R.S
Dean & Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering
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CBVANET: A cluster based vehicular adhoc network model for simple highway communication
RS Shaji, B Ramakrishnan, RS Rajesh
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications 2 (4), 755-761, 2011
A review on the features and technologies for energy efficiency of smart grid
KR Anjana, RS Shaji
International Journal of Energy Research 42 (3), 936-952, 2018
Performance analysis of 802.11 and 802.11 p in cluster based simple highway model
B Ramakrishnan, RS Rajesh, RS Shaji
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 1 (5 …, 2010
Analysis of routing protocols for highway model without using roadside unit and cluster
B Ramakrishnan, RS Rajesh, RS Shaji
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2 (1), 1-9, 2011
A methodological review on attack and defense strategies in cyber warfare
R.S.Shaji, V.Sachin Dev, T.Brindha
Wireless Networks, 2018
Establishing inter vehicle wireless communication in vanet and preventing it from hackers
MM Joe, RS Shaji, KA Kumar
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 5 (8), 55-61, 2013
An efficient vehicular communication outside the city environments
B Ramakrishnan, RS Rajesh, RS Shaji
International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN) 2 (4), 1, 2010
A study on segmentation-based copy-move forgery detection using DAISY descriptor
R Sekhar, RS Shaji
Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing Systems: ICSCS …, 2016
Vertical handover in vehicular ad-hoc network using multiple parameters
U Kumaran, RS Shaji
2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and …, 2014
Comprehensive analysis of Highway, Manhattan and Freeway mobility models for vehicular ad hoc network
B Ramakrishnan, RB Nishanth, MM Joe, RS Shaji
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 9 (1), 78-89, 2015
A survey on the architectures of data security in cloud storage infrastructure
T Brindha, RS Shaji, GP Rajesh
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 5 (2), 1108-1114, 2013
An intelligent routing protocol for vehicle safety communication in highway environments
B Ramakrishnan, DRS Rajesh, RS Shaji
journal of computing 2 (11), 65-72, 2010
Prevention of losing user account by enhancing security module: A facebook case
MM Joe, B Ramakrishnan, RS Shaji
journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence 5 (3), 247-256, 2013
A novel algorithm for load balancing in mobile cloud networks: multi-objective optimization approach
E Arun, A Reji, P Mohammed Shameem, RS Shaji
Wireless Personal Communications 97, 3125-3140, 2017
An effective resource management in cloud computing
PM Shameem, N Johnson, RS Shaji, E Arun
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 19 …, 2017
A cost effective load balancing scheme for better resource utilization in cloud computing
K PushpaLatha, RS Shaji, JP Jayan
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 6 (3), 280-290, 2014
Modeling GSM based network communication in vehicular network
MM Joe, B Ramakrishnan, RS Shaji
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 6 (3), 37, 2014
An analysis of data leakage and prevention techniques in cloud environment
T Brindha, RS Shaji
2015 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and …, 2015
A scalable cloud enabled mobile governance framework
K Sabarish, RS Shaji
2014 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference-South Asia Satellite …, 2014
A secure transaction of cloud data using conditional source trust attributes encryption mechanism
T Brindha, RS Shaji
Soft Computing 22, 1013-1022, 2018
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Articles 1–20