Arifa Parveen
Arifa Parveen
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Cited by
Polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous mat from electrospinning: Born with potential anti-fungal functionality
N Sirelkhatim, A Parveen, D LaJeunesse, D Yu, L Zhang
European polymer journal 119, 176-180, 2019
Effect of Electrospun Nanofibers on Growth Behavior of Fungal Cells
A Parveen
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2018
Thermal and morphological behavior of EVOH/piassava fiber composites
BR Nogueira, A Chinellato, AV Ortiz, A Parveen, VK Rangari, EA Moura
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials; The Minerals, Metals …, 2012
Thermal and morphological behavior of EVOH/Piassava fiber composites treated by electron-beam irradiation
BR Nogueira, NB Lima, AC Chinellato, A Parveen, VK Rangari, ...
Preparação e caracterização do bio-compósito preparado a partir do polietileno de alta densidade verde e fibra da casca da castanha do Brasil
RD Campos¹, MS Ferreira, FRV Díaz, EAB Moura¹, ESM Seo¹
Supermagnatic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Toxicity to Mammalian Cells
K Vig, P Tiwari, A Parveen, V Rangari, SR Singh
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Articles 1–6