K. Shankar (Ph.D., PostDoc., SM-IEEE)
K. Shankar (Ph.D., PostDoc., SM-IEEE)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai, India
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Cited by
Cited by
Optimal deep learning model for classification of lung cancer on CT images
SK Lakshmanaprabu, SN Mohanty, K Shankar, N Arunkumar, G Ramirez
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 374-382, 2019
Automated Detection and Classification of Fundus Diabetic Retinopathy Images using Synergic Deep Learning Model
HMP K. Shankar, Abdul Rahaman WahabSait, DeepakGupta, S.K.Lakshmanaprabu ...
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020
Hyperparameter tuning deep learning for diabetic retinopathy fundus image classification
K Shankar, Y Zhang, Y Liu, L Wu, CH Chen
IEEE access 8, 118164-118173, 2020
Secure blockchain enabled Cyber–physical systems in healthcare using deep belief network with ResNet model
GN Nguyen, NH Le Viet, M Elhoseny, K Shankar, BB Gupta, ...
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 153, 150-160, 2021
An efficient Lightweight integrated Blockchain (ELIB) model for IoT security and privacy
AK Sachi Nandan Mohanty, K.C.Ramya, S. SheebaRani, DeepakGupta, K.Shankar, S ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 102, 1027-1037, 2020
Optimal feature selection-based medical image classification using deep learning model in internet of medical things
RJS Raj, SJ Shobana, IV Pustokhina, DA Pustokhin, D Gupta, K Shankar
IEEE Access 8, 58006-58017, 2020
An Effective Training Scheme for Deep Neural Network in Edge Computing Enabled Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Systems
GNN Irina Valeryevna Pustokhina, Denis Alexandrovich Pustokhin, Deepak Gupta ...
IEEE Access 8 (1), 107112-107123, 2020
Hybridization of firefly and improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for energy efficient load balancing in cloud computing environments
AFS Devaraj, M Elhoseny, S Dhanasekaran, EL Lydia, K Shankar
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 142, 36-45, 2020
Intelligent diagnostic prediction and classification system for chronic kidney disease
M Elhoseny, K Shankar, J Uthayakumar
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9583, 2019
IoT enabled depthwise separable convolution neural network with deep support vector machine for COVID-19 diagnosis and classification
DN Le, VS Parvathy, D Gupta, A Khanna, JJPC Rodrigues, K Shankar
International journal of machine learning and cybernetics, 1-14, 2021
Optimal Bilateral Filter and Convolutional Neural Network based Denoising Method of Medical Image Measurements
KS Mohamed Elhoseny
Measurement 143, 125-135, 2019
Deep learning model for real-time image compression in Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT)
KS N. Krishnaraj, Mohamed Elhoseny, M. Thenmozhi, Mahmoud M. Selim
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, -, 2019
Reliable Data Transmission Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Network Using Signcryption Technique
MEK Shankar
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 1-10, 2019
Automatic vehicle license plate recognition using optimal K-means with convolutional neural network for intelligent transportation systems
IV Pustokhina, DA Pustokhin, JJPC Rodrigues, D Gupta, A Khanna, ...
Ieee Access 8, 92907-92917, 2020
Random forest for big data classification in the internet of things using optimal features
VVNC S. K. Lakshmanaprabu, K. Shankar, M. Ilayaraja, Abdul Wahid Nasir
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2019
Alzheimer detection using Group Grey Wolf Optimization based features with convolutional classifier
NRR K. Shankar, Lakshmanaprabu S.K, Ashish Khanna, Sudeep Tanwar, Joel J.P.C ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering 77 (-), 230-243, 2019
Financial crisis prediction model using ant colony optimization
SKL J. Uthayakumar, Noura Metawa, K. Shankar
International Journal of Information Management, 1-19, 2018
Effective Features to Classify Big Data Using Social Internet of Things
SK Lakshmanaprabu, K Shankar, A Khanna, D Gupta, JJPC Rodrigues, ...
IEEE Access 6, 24196-24204, 2018
An efficient hierarchical clustering protocol for multihop Internet of vehicles communication
KS Ashit Kumar Dutta, Mohamed Elhoseny, Vandna Dahiya
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 1-11, 2019
Deep learning with LSTM based distributed data mining model for energy efficient wireless sensor networks
SN Mohanty, EL Lydia, M Elhoseny, MMG Al Otaibi, K Shankar
Physical Communication 40, 101097, 2020
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Articles 1–20