Amrita Dutt
Cited by
Cited by
Restoration of Late Neoarchean–Early Cambrian tectonics in the Rengali orogen and its environs (eastern India): The Antarctic connection
A Bhattacharya, HH Das, E Bell, A Bhattacharya, N Chatterjee, L Saha, ...
Lithos 263, 190-212, 2016
Subduction versus non‐subduction origin of the Nagaland‐Manipur Ophiolites along the Indo‐Myanmar Orogenic Belt, northeast India: Fact and fallacy
S Khogenkumar, AK Singh, S Kumar, N Lakhan, M Chaubey, S Imtisunep, ...
Geological Journal 56 (4), 1773-1794, 2021
Geochemical and metamorphic record of the amphibolites from the Tuting–Tidding Suture Zone ophiolites, Eastern Himalaya, India: implications for the presence of a dismembered …
A Dutt, AK Singh, RK Srivastava, G Oinam, RK Bikramaditya
Geological magazine 158 (5), 787-810, 2021
Evidence of melt–and fluid–rock interactions in the refractory forearc peridotites and associated mafic intrusives from the Tuting–Tidding ophiolites, eastern Himalaya, India …
A Dutt, AK Singh, RK Srivastava, G Oinam
Geological Journal 56 (4), 2082-2110, 2021
Continental extension of northern Gondwana margin in the Eastern Himalaya: Constraints from geochemistry and U–Pb zircon ages of mafic intrusives in the Siang window, Arunachal …
G Oinam, AK Singh, M Joshi, A Dutt, MR Singh, NL Singh, RKB Singh
Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 352 (1), 19-41, 2020
New constraints on the tectono‐magmatic evolution of the Tidding‐Mayodia ophiolites, eastern Himalaya, northeast India
AK Singh, A Dutt, B Nayak, RK Bikramaditya, G Oinam, SS Thakur, ...
Geological Journal 57 (2), 514-536, 2022
Refertilization of depleted mantle peridotite in the Nagaland–Manipur ophiolite, north‐east India: Constraints from PGE, mineral, and whole‐rock geochemistry
M Chaubey, AK Singh, BP Singh, S Imtisunep, A Dutt, M Satyanarayanan, ...
Geological Journal 57 (12), 5265-5283, 2022
Significance of aegirine‐bearing metabasic rocks in the metamorphic evolution of the Nagaland Accretionary Prism, northeast India
NC Ghose, AK Singh, A Dutt, S Imtisunep
Geological Journal 57 (12), 5207-5221, 2022
Magmatic records of Gondwana assembly and break-up in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, northeast India
G Oinam, AK Singh, A Dutt, S Khogenkumar, M Joshi, S Singhal, ...
Gondwana Research 112, 126-146, 2022
Depositional environment and tectonic backdrop of meta-carbonates in the Eastern Himalayan ophiolites, India: insights from calcite microstructures, whole-rock elements and …
A Dutt, AK Singh, G Oinam, RK Srivastava
Carbonates and Evaporites 36 (2), 34, 2021
A hydrous sub-arc mantle domain within the northeastern Neo-Tethyan ophiolites: Insights from cumulate hornblendites
A Dutt, AD Shukla, AK Singh, A Narayanan
Geochemistry, 126122, 2024
Geochemical and Isotopic studies of the Tethyan Ophiolitic Sequences in the eastern Himalaya
A Dutt
Varanasi, 2021
Extension continentale de la marge septentrionale du Gondwana dans l'Himalaya oriental: contraintes de la géochimie et des âges de zircon U–Pb des intrusifs mafiques dans la …
G Oinam, AK Singh, M Joshi, A Dutt, MR Singh, NL Singh, RKB Singh
Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts of the Abor magmatic complex: Implications for a plumbing system at the eastern Himalaya
G Oinam, AK Singh, M Santosh, M Joshi, A Dutt, S Khogenkumar, BP Das, ...
Lithos 480, 107647, 2024
Geochemical and mineralogical changes caused by melt-rock and fluid-rock interactions as evidenced from the residual mantle peridotites of the east Arunachal ophiolites …
A Dutt, AK Singh
Earth and Space Science Open Archive ESSOAr, 2021
Evidence of an ancient subduction zone in the Neo-Tethyan ophiolites of eastern Himalaya, northeast India: Implications from petrogenetic and metamorphic studies
A Dutt, AK Singh
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, V43F-0146, 2019
For further information about this journal please go to the journal website at: cambridge. org/geo
Y Battiau-Queney, A Préat, A Trentesaux, P Recourt, ...
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Articles 1–17