C David
C David
Materials Science Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam
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Cited by
Characterisation of zirconium nitride coatings prepared by DC magnetron sputtering
JV Ramana, S Kumar, C David, AK Ray, VS Raju
Materials Letters 43 (1-2), 73-76, 2000
A study of the effect of titanium on the void swelling behavior of D9 steels by ion beam simulation
C David, BK Panigrahi, S Balaji, AK Balamurugan, KGM Nair, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 383 (1-2), 132-136, 2008
Structure, composition and microhardness of (Ti, Zr) N and (Ti, Al) N coatings prepared by DC magnetron sputtering
JV Ramana, S Kumar, C David, VS Raju
Materials Letters 58 (20), 2553-2558, 2004
Effect of Zr and Al addition on nanocluster formation in oxide dispersion strengthened steel-An ab initio study
S Mohan, G Kaur, BK Panigrahi, C David, G Amarendra
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 767, 122-130, 2018
Effect of dose and post irradiation annealing in Ni implanted high entropy alloy FeCrCoNi using slow positron beam
S Abhaya, R Rajaraman, S Kalavathi, C David, BK Panigrahi, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 669, 117-122, 2016
Resolution of the ATLAS muon spectrometer monitored drift tubes in LHC Run 2
Atlas Collaboration
Journal of instrumentation 14 (09), P09011, 2019
‘Spillout’effect in gold nanoclusters embedded in c-Al2O3 (0 0 0 1) matrix
S Dhara, B Sundaravel, TR Ravindran, KGM Nair, C David, BK Panigrahi, ...
Chemical physics letters 399 (4-6), 354-358, 2004
Reactive pulsed laser deposition and characterization of niobium nitride thin films
R Krishnan, C David, PK Ajikumar, S Dash, AK Tyagi, V Jayaram, B Raj
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (6), 1196-1202, 2011
Mechanism of bright red emission in Si nanoclusters
S Dhara, CY Lu, KGM Nair, KH Chen, CP Chen, YF Huang, C David, ...
Nanotechnology 19 (39), 395401, 2008
Study of defect complexes and their evolution with temperature in hydrogen and helium irradiated RAFM steel using positron annihilation spectroscopy
R Ramachandran, C David, P Magudapathy, R Rajaraman, R Govindaraj, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 142, 55-62, 2019
Raman scattering investigations on disorder and recovery induced by low and high energy ion irradiation on 3C-SiC
N Sreelakshmi, S Amirthapandian, GR Umapathy, C David, SK Srivastava, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 273, 115452, 2021
Evaluation of tungsten as divertor plasma-facing material: results from ion irradiation experiments and computer simulations
PN Maya, P Sharma, A Satyaprasad, S Mukherjee, AK Tyagi, SS Vala, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (7), 076034, 2019
Effect of annealing and irradiation on the evolution of texture and grain boundary interface in electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel of varying grain sizes
S Julie, MK Dash, NP Wasekar, C David, M Kamruddin
Surface and Coatings Technology 426, 127770, 2021
Positron beam studies of void swelling in ion irradiated Ti-modified stainless steel
G Amarendra, BK Panigrahi, S Abhaya, C David, R Rajaraman, KGM Nair, ...
Applied surface science 255 (1), 139-141, 2008
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of threshold displacement energies and defect formation energies in Y4Zr3O12
S Mohan, G Kaur, C David, BK Panigrahi, G Amarendra
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (23), 2020
Evolution, migration and clustering of helium-vacancy complexes in RAFM steel-depth resolved positron annihilation Doppler broadening study
R Ramachandran, C David, R Rajaraman, BK Panigrahi, G Amarendra
Philosophical Magazine 96 (22), 2385-2396, 2016
Ion irradiation induced crystallization in iron phosphate glass–TEM investigations
P Jegadeesan, S Amirthapandian, K Joseph, C David, BK Panigrahi, ...
Adv. Mater. Lett 6 (3), 224, 2015
Void swelling in ion irradiated (15Ni–14Cr), Ti-modified stainless steel: A study using positron annihilation and step height measurements
C David, BK Panigrahi, G Amarendra, S Abhaya, S Balaji, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 203 (17-18), 2363-2366, 2009
Surface plasmon polariton assisted optical switching in noble bimetallic nanoparticle system
S Dhara, CY Lu, P Magudapathy, YF Huang, WS Tu, KH Chen
Applied Physics Letters 106 (2), 2015
Reactive pulsed laser deposition of titanium nitride thin films: Effect of reactive gas pressure on the structure, composition, and properties
R Krishnan, C David, PK Ajikumar, R Nithya, S Tripura Sundari, S Dash, ...
Journal of Materials 2013 (1), 128986, 2013
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Articles 1–20