Katherine Ann Morris
Katherine Ann Morris
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Cited by
The US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey: Continuous real-time measurement of COVID-19 symptoms, risks, protective behaviors, testing, and vaccination
JA Salomon, A Reinhart, A Bilinski, EJ Chua, W La Motte-Kerr, MM Rönn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (51), e2111454118, 2021
Global trends and predictors of face mask usage during the COVID-19 pandemic
E Badillo-Goicoechea, TH Chang, E Kim, S LaRocca, K Morris, X Deng, ...
BMC public health 21, 1-12, 2021
Weights and methodology brief for the COVID-19 symptom survey by University of Maryland and Carnegie Mellon University, in partnership with Facebook
N Barkay, C Cobb, R Eilat, T Galili, D Haimovich, S LaRocca, K Morris, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14675, 2020
Age and gender differences in social network composition and social support among older rural South Africans: Findings from the HAALSI study
G Harling, KA Morris, L Manderson, JM Perkins, LF Berkman
The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75 (1), 148-159, 2020
Global monitoring of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through online surveys sampled from the Facebook user base
CM Astley, G Tuli, KA Mc Cord, EL Cohn, B Rader, TJ Varrelman, SL Chiu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (51), e2111455118, 2021
A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
N Legate, T Ngyuen, N Weinstein, A Moller, L Legault, Z Vally, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (22), 2022
The emotional cost of distance: Geographic social network dispersion and post-traumatic stress among survivors of Hurricane Katrina
KA Morris, NM Deterding
Social Science & Medicine 165, 56-65, 2016
Partnering with a global platform to inform research and public policy making: What needs to be in place to make a global COVID-19 survey work?
F Kreuter, N Barkay, A Bilinski, A Bradford, S Chiu, R Eliat, J Fan, T Galili, ...
Survey Research Methods 14 (2), 159-163, 2020
Partnering with Facebook on a university-based rapid turn-around global survey
F Kreuter, N Barkay, A Bilinski, A Bradford, S Chiu, R Eliat, J Fan, T Galili, ...
Survey Research Methods: SRM 14 (2), 159-163, 2020
Interviewer-driven variability in social network reporting: results from Health and Aging in Africa: a Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH community (HAALSI) in South Africa
G Harling, JM Perkins, FX Gómez-Olivé, K Morris, RG Wagner, L Montana, ...
Field methods 30 (2), 140-154, 2018
How social policy contributes to the distribution of population health: the case of gender health equity
J Beckfield, KA Morris, C Bambra
Scandinavian journal of public health 46 (1), 6-17, 2018
Who benefits from social investment? The gendered effects of family and employment policies on cardiovascular disease in Europe
KA Morris, J Beckfield, C Bambra
J Epidemiol Community Health 73 (3), 206-213, 2019
Covid-19 world symptom survey data api
J Fan, Y Li, K Stewart, AR Kommareddy, A Bradford, S Chiu, F Kreuter, ...
Technical report, 2020
Measurement equivalence: a glossary for comparative population health research
KA Morris
J Epidemiol Community Health 72 (7), 559-563, 2018
The University of Maryland social data science center global COVID-19 trends and impact survey, in partnership with Facebook
J Fan, Y Li, K Stewart, AR Kommareddy, A Garcia, J O’Brien, A Bradford, ...
The Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey Open Data API. https://covidmap …, 2020
The University of Maryland Social Data Science Center Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey
J Fan, Y Li, K Stewart, AR Kommareddy, A Garcia, J O’Brien, A Bradford, ...
Partnership with Facebook, 2020
Social Networks and Social Support among Older Adults in Rural South Africa: Findings from the Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South …
G Harling, KA Morris, L Manderson, JM Perkins, L Berkman
Recuperado de https://papers. ssrn. com/sol3/papers. cfm, 2017
Critical care unit bed availability and postoperative outcomes: a multinational cohort study
RAS Campbell, T Thevathasan, DJN Wong, AM Wilson, HA Lindsay, ...
Anaesthesia 79 (11), 1165-1179, 2024
Beyond Cases and Deaths: The Benefits of Auxiliary Data Streams In Tracking the COVID-19 Pandemic: The US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey: Continuous real-time measurement of …
JA Salomon, A Reinhart, A Bilinski, EJ Chua, W La Motte-Kerr, MM Rönn, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2021
Beyond Cases and Deaths: The Benefits of Auxiliary Data Streams In Tracking the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global monitoring of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through online …
CM Astley, G Tuli, KA Mc Cord, EL Cohn, B Rader, TJ Varrelman, SL Chiu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2021
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