Sanjay Dhar Roy
Sanjay Dhar Roy
Associate Professor, ECE Department, NIT Durgapur
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Detection performance of cooperative spectrum sensing with hard decision fusion in fading channels
S Nallagonda, A Chandra, SD Roy, S Kundu, P Kukolev, A Prokes
International Journal of Electronics 103 (2), 297-321, 2016
Signal strength ratio based vertical handoff decision algorithms in integrated heterogeneous networks
S Dhar Roy, SR Vamshidhar Reddy
Wireless personal communications 77, 2565-2585, 2014
Throughput of a cognitive radio network with energy-harvesting based on primary user signal
A Bhowmick, SD Roy, S Kundu
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 5 (2), 136-139, 2016
Throughput of an energy harvesting cognitive radio network based on prediction of primary user
A Bhowmick, K Yadav, SD Roy, S Kundu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (9), 8119-8128, 2017
Performance of cooperative spectrum sensing with soft data fusion schemes in fading channels
S Nallagonda, SK Bandari, SD Roy, S Kundu
2013 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2013
Performance of energy detection based spectrum sensing in fading channels
S Nallagonda, S Suraparaju, SD Roy, S Kundu
2011 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology …, 2011
Performance evaluation of cooperative spectrum sensing scheme with censoring of cognitive radios in Rayleigh fading channel
S Nallagonda, SD Roy, S Kundu
Wireless personal communications 70, 1409-1424, 2013
Censoring-based cooperative spectrum sensing with improved energy detectors and multiple antennas in fading channels
S Nallagonda, SD Roy, S Kundu, G Ferrari, R Raheli
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 537-553, 2017
Throughput maximization of a UAV assisted CR network with NOMA-based communication and energy-harvesting
A Bhowmick, SD Roy, S Kundu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (1), 362-374, 2021
Double threshold‐based cooperative spectrum sensing for a cognitive radio network with improved energy detectors
A Bhowmick, A Chandra, S Dhar Roy, S Kundu
IET Communications 9 (18), 2216-2226, 2015
Physical layer security in cognitive radio network with energy harvesting relay and jamming in the presence of direct link
P Maji, S Dhar Roy, S Kundu
IET Communications 12 (11), 1389-1395, 2018
Performance of cooperative spectrum sensing in Rician and Weibull fading channels
S Nallagonda, SD Roy, S Kundu
2011 Annual IEEE India Conference, 1-5, 2011
Throughput optimization with cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network
A Bhowmick, MK Das, J Biswas, SD Roy, S Kundu
2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 329-332, 2014
Cooperative spectrum sensing with censoring of cognitive radios with majority logic fusion in Hoyt fading
S Nallagonda, SD Roy, S Kundu, G Ferrari, R Raheli
2013 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and …, 2013
Received signal strength based vertical handoff algorithm in 3G cellular network
SD Roy, S Anup
2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and …, 2012
Performance of Cooperative spectrum sensing in Log-normal Shadowing and Fading under Fusion rules
S Nallagonda, SD Roy, S Kundu
International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications 3 (3), 15-28, 2012
Secrecy performance of a dual hop cognitive relay network with an energy harvesting relay
S Raghuwanshi, P Maji, SD Roy, S Kundu
2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2016
Cooperative spectrum sensing with double threshold and censoring in Rayleigh faded cognitive radio network
A Bhowmick, S Nallagonda, SD Roy, S Kundu
Wireless Personal Communications 84, 251-271, 2015
Qualitative analysis for coverage probability and energy efficiency in cognitive‐femtocell networks under macrocell infrastructure
J Ghosh, S Dhar Roy
Electronics Letters 51 (17), 1378-1380, 2015
Secrecy outage of a cognitive radio network with selection of energy harvesting relay and imperfect CSI
P Maji, B Prasad, SD Roy, S Kundu
Wireless Personal Communications 100, 571-586, 2018
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Articles 1–20