Arshad Jawed
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Cited by
Isolation, screening, and identification of novel isolates of actinomycetes from India for antimicrobial applications
V Singh, S Haque, H Singh, J Verma, K Vibha, R Singh, A Jawed, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1921, 2016
Developments in strategies for Quorum Sensing virulence factor inhibition to combat bacterial drug resistance
S Haque, F Ahmad, SA Dar, A Jawed, RK Mandal, M Wahid, M Lohani, ...
Microbial pathogenesis 121, 293-302, 2018
Concomitant Production of Lipids and Carotenoids in Rhodosporidium toruloides under Osmotic Stress Using Response Surface Methodology
G Singh, A Jawed, D Paul, KK Bandyopadhyay, A Kumari, S Haque
Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 1686, 2016
Methods for inhibition of residual lipase activity in colorimetric assay: A comparative study
SS Kanwar, RK Kaushal, A Jawed, R Gupta, SS Chimni
CSIR, 2005
Quorum sensing pathways in Gram-positive and-negative bacteria: potential of their interruption in abating drug resistance
S Haque, DK Yadav, SC Bisht, N Yadav, V Singh, KK Dubey, A Jawed, ...
Journal of Chemotherapy 31 (4), 161-187, 2019
Meta-analysis reveals PTPN22 1858C/T polymorphism confers susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in Caucasian but not in Asian population
G Nabi, N Akhter, M Wahid, K Bhatia, RK Mandal, SA Dar, A Jawed, ...
Autoimmunity 49 (3), 197-210, 2016
Microbes in gynecologic cancers: causes or consequences and therapeutic potential
M Wahid, SA Dar, A Jawed, RK Mandal, N Akhter, S Khan, F Khan, ...
Seminars in cancer biology 86, 1179-1189, 2022
Vismodegib, itraconazole and sonidegib as hedgehog pathway inhibitors and their relative competencies in the treatment of basal cell carcinomas
M Wahid, A Jawed, RK Mandal, SA Dar, S Khan, N Akhter, S Haque
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology 98, 235-241, 2016
Recent developments and obstacles in the treatment of melanoma with BRAF and MEK inhibitors
M Wahid, A Jawed, RK Mandal, SA Dar, N Akhter, P Somvanshi, F Khan, ...
Critical reviews in oncology/hematology 125, 84-88, 2018
Interleukin-6 -174G>C (rs1800795) polymorphism distribution and its association with Rheumatoid Arthritis: a case-control study and meta-analysis.
SA Dara, S Haque, RK Mandal, aru Singh, M Wahid, A Jawed, AK Panda, ...
Autoimmunity, 00, 2016
Pharmacogenetic association between NAT2 gene polymorphisms and isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity: trial sequence meta-analysis as evidence
S Khan, RK Mandal, AM Elasbali, SA Dar, A Jawed, M Wahid, H Mahto, ...
Bioscience reports 39 (1), BSR20180845, 2019
Therapeutic role of lipases and lipase inhibitors derived from natural resources for remedies against metabolic disorders and lifestyle diseases
A Jawed, G Singh, S Kohli, A Sumera, S Haque, R Prasad, D Paul
South African Journal of Botany 120, 25-32, 2019
Response surface methodology-genetic algorithm based medium optimization, purification, and characterization of cholesterol oxidase from Streptomyces rimosus
A Srivastava, V Singh, S Haque, S Pandey, M Mishra, A Jawed, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10913, 2018
TNF-α -308 G > A (rs1800629) Polymorphism is Associated with Celiac Disease: A Meta-analysis of 11 Case-Control Studies
S Khan, RK Mandal, A Jawed, SA Dar, M Wahid, AK Panda, MY Areeshi, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32677, 2016
Implication of Industrial Waste for Biomass and Lipid Production in Chlorella minutissima Under Autotrophic, Heterotrophic, and Mixotrophic Grown Conditions
KK Dubey, S Kumar, D Dixit, P Kumar, D Kumar, A Jawed, S Haque
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 176, 1581-1595, 2015
Variants of SARS-CoV-2, their effects on infection, transmission and neutralization by vaccine induced antibodies.
M Wahid, A Jawed, RK Mandal, HG Dailah, EM Janahi, K Dhama, ...
European Review for Medical & Pharmacological Sciences 25 (18), 2021
Transcriptome analysis of beta-lactamase genes in diarrheagenic Escherichia coli
T Singh, PK Singh, S Das, S Wani, A Jawed, SA Dar
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3626, 2019
Immobilized chaperones: A productive alternative to refolding of bacterial inclusion body proteins
K Jhamb, A Jawed, DK Sahoo
Process Biochemistry 43 (6), 587-597, 2008
Cytomegalovirus aggravates the autoimmune phenomenon in systemic autoimmune diseases
EMA Janahi, S Das, SN Bhattacharya, S Haque, N Akhter, A Jawed, ...
Microbial pathogenesis 120, 132-139, 2018
A Meta-analysis of MBL2 polymorphisms and tuberculosis risk
SH Mohammed Y Areeshi, Raju K Mondal, Naseem Akhter, Sajad A Dar, Arshad ...
Nature Scientific Reports, 2016
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Articles 1–20