Sarah Peregrine Lord (Grin Lord)
Sarah Peregrine Lord (Grin Lord)
Other namesGrin Lord, Sarah P Lord
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Cited by
A randomized stepped care intervention trial targeting posttraumatic stress disorder for surgically hospitalized injury survivors
D Zatzick, G Jurkovich, FP Rivara, J Russo, A Wagner, J Wang, C Dunn, ...
Annals of surgery 257 (3), 390-399, 2013
More than reflections: Empathy in motivational interviewing includes language style synchrony between therapist and client
SP Lord, E Sheng, ZE Imel, J Baer, DC Atkins
Behavior therapy 46 (3), 296-303, 2015
Multisite investigation of traumatic brain injuries, posttraumatic stress disorder, and self-reported health and cognitive impairments
DF Zatzick, FP Rivara, GJ Jurkovich, CW Hoge, J Wang, MY Fan, J Russo, ...
Archives of General Psychiatry 67 (12), 1291-1300, 2010
Enhancing the population impact of collaborative care interventions: mixed method development and implementation of stepped care targeting posttraumatic stress disorder and …
D Zatzick, F Rivara, G Jurkovich, J Russo, SG Trusz, J Wang, A Wagner, ...
General hospital psychiatry 33 (2), 123-134, 2011
Collaborative care intervention targeting violence risk behaviors, substance use, and posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms in injured adolescents: a randomized clinical …
D Zatzick, J Russo, SP Lord, C Varley, J Wang, L Berliner, G Jurkovich, ...
JAMA pediatrics 168 (6), 532-539, 2014
Assessing barriers to care and readiness for cognitive behavioral therapy in early acute care PTSD interventions
SG Trusz, AW Wagner, J Russo, J Love, DF Zatzick
Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes 74 (3), 207-223, 2011
Automated evaluation of psychotherapy skills using speech and language technologies
N Flemotomos, VR Martinez, Z Chen, K Singla, V Ardulov, R Peri, ...
Behavior Research Methods 54 (2), 690-711, 2022
Testing the effects of brief intervention in primary care for problem drug use in a randomized controlled trial: rationale, design, and methods
A Krupski, JM Joesch, C Dunn, D Donovan, K Bumgardner, SP Lord, ...
Addiction science & clinical practice 7, 1-10, 2012
Advancing methods for reliably assessing motivational interviewing fidelity using the motivational interviewing skills code
SP Lord, D Can, M Yi, R Marin, CW Dunn, ZE Imel, P Georgiou, ...
Journal of substance abuse treatment 49, 50-57, 2015
Staying connected: a feasibility study linking American Indian and Alaska Native trauma survivors to their tribal communities
U Tsosie, S Nannauck, D Buchwald, J Russo, SG Trusz, H Foy, D Zatzick
Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes 74 (4), 349-361, 2011
Counseling summarization using mental health knowledge guided utterance filtering
A Srivastava, T Suresh, SP Lord, MS Akhtar, T Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2022
Ways of being in trauma-based society: Discovering the politics and moral culture of the trauma industry through hermeneutic interpretation of evidence-supported PTSD treatment …
SP Lord
Antioch University Seattle, 2014
System and method for increasing effective communication through evaluation of multimodal data, auto-correction and behavioral suggestions based on models from evidence-based …
SP Lord, N Bertagnolli
US Patent App. 17/731,230, 2022
Should we trust our judgments about the proficiency of motivational interviewing counselors? A glimpse at the impact of low inter-rater reliability
C Dunn, D Darnell, SKM Yi, M Steyvers, K Bumgardner, SP Lord, Z Imel, ...
Motivational interviewing: training, research, implementation, practice 1 (3 …, 2014
A rediscovered ancient history of Motivational Interviewing and its measurement
CW Dunn, SP Lord, J Lowe, J Joesch, DC Atkins
Motivational Interviewing: Training, Research, Implementation, Practice 1 (1 …, 2012
Posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury
MA Raskind, K Peterson, T Williams, DJ Hoff, K Hart, H Holmes, ...
New Thinking 62, 628-637, 2012
Critical Behavioral Traits Foster Peer Engagement in Online Mental Health Communities
A Srivastava, T Gupta, A Cerezo, S Peregrine, MS Akhtar, T Chakraborty
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.01618, 2023
Interpreting the Political Meaning of Manualized Trauma Treatment: A Hermeneutic Exploration of Battlemind and the Warrior Cult
SP Lord
Hermeneutic Approaches to Interpretive Research, 21-47, 2021
Leveraging AI to Deliver Culturally Responsive Mental Health Care at Scale
A Cerezo, D Cooper, V Palat, A Jolley, S Peregrine
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Articles 1–19