Fused Deposition modeling process parameters optimization and effect on mechanical properties and part quality: Review and reflection on present research AJ Sheoran, H Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 1659-1672, 2020 | 341 | 2020 |
Bio-medical applications of additive manufacturing: a review AJ Sheoran, H Kumar, PK Arora, G Moona Procedia Manufacturing 51, 663-670, 2020 | 58 | 2020 |
Wear assessment of 3–D printed parts of PLA (polylactic acid) using Taguchi design and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique M Pant, RM Singari, PK Arora, G Moona, H Kumar Materials Research Express 7 (11), 115307, 2020 | 57 | 2020 |
Additive manufacturing: A review on 3 D printing of metals and study of residual stress, buckling load capacity of strut members PA Pidge, H Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 1689-1694, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Mechanical and wear performance of Al/SiC surface composite prepared through friction stir processing R Butola, L Tyagi, RM Singari, Q Murtaza, H Kumar, D Nayak Materials Research Express 8 (2), 2021 | 50 | 2021 |
Additive manufacturing enabled supply chain in combating COVID-19 R Arora, PK Arora, H Kumar, M Pant Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 5 (04), 495-505, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Utilization of rapid prototyping technology for the fabrication of an orthopedic shoe inserts for foot pain reprieve using thermo-softening viscoelastic polymers: A novel … S Sharma, J Singh, H Kumar, A Sharma, V Aggarwal, AS Gill, ... Measurement and Control 53 (3-4), 519-530, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Fabrication of aluminium carbon nano tube silicon carbide particles based hybrid nano-composite by spark plasma sintering C Prakash, S Singh, S Sharma, H Garg, J Singh, H Kumar, G Singh Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 1637-1642, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
A review of additive manufacturing in aerospace application HK Pant M, P Pidge, L Nagdeve Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances 31 (2), 109-115, 2021 | 42* | 2021 |
Application of additive manufacturing in challenges posed by COVID-19 PK Arora, R Arora, A Haleem, H Kumar Materials today: proceedings 38, 466-468, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
The development and characterization of a square ring shaped force transducer H Kumar, C Sharma, A Kumar Measurement Science and Technology 24 (9), 095007, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
A review of fused filament fabrication (FFF): Process parameters and their impact on the tribological behavior of polymers (ABS) G Kaur, RM Singari, H Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings 51, 854-860, 2022 | 38 | 2022 |
Optimising parameters of fused filament fabrication process to achieve optimum tensile strength using artificial neural network N Weake, M Pant, A Sheoran, A Haleem Transdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Green Technologies …, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
A contemporary review of aluminium MMC developed through stir-casting route P Yadav, A Ranjan, H Kumar, A Mishra, J Yoon Materials 14 (21), 6386, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |
Challenges and Opportunities in Energy Transformation during COVID-19 M Bansal, A Agarwal, M Pant, H Kumar Evergreen 8 (2), 255-261, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |
Optimization of process variables for additive manufactured PLA based tensile specimen using taguchi design and artificial neural network (ANN) technique R Teharia, RM Singari, H Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings 56, 3426-3432, 2022 | 32 | 2022 |
Development of novel finishing tool into Magnetic Abrasive Finishing process of Aluminum 6061 L Nagdeve, K Dhakar, H Kumar Materials and Manufacturing Processes 35 (10), 1129-1134, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Design and development of precision force transducers H Kumar, C Sharma, A Kumar Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 70 (7), 519-524, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
An investigation on wear characteristics of additive manufacturing materials A Kumar, A Choudhary, A Tiwari, C James, H Kumar, PK Arora, SA Khan Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 3654-3660, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Numerical and experiment fracture modeling for multiple cracks of a finite aluminum plate AK Srivastava, PK Arora, H Kumar International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 110, 1-13, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |