Md Zaved Iqubal Ahmed
Cited by
Cited by
Automated feature extraction on AsMap for emotion classification using EEG
MZI Ahmed, N Sinha, S Phadikar, E Ghaderpour
Sensors 22 (6), 2346, 2022
A survey on denoising techniques of electroencephalogram signals using wavelet transform
M Grobbelaar, S Phadikar, E Ghaderpour, AF Struck, N Sinha, R Ghosh, ...
Signals 3 (3), 577-586, 2022
A novel baseline removal paradigm for subject-independent features in emotion classification using EEG
MZI Ahmed, N Sinha, E Ghaderpour, S Phadikar, R Ghosh
Bioengineering 10 (1), 54, 2023
A QoS-aware dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for multi-hop WiFi-based long distance networks
I Hussain, ZI Ahmed, DK Saikia, N Sarma
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2015, 1-18, 2015
QoS provisioning in wireless mesh networks: A survey
MI Hussain, N Ahmed, MZI Ahmed, N Sarma
Wireless Personal Communications 122 (1), 157-195, 2022
An efficient TDMA MAC protocol for multi-hop WiFi-based long distance networks
MI Hussain, ZI Ahmed, N Sarma, DK Saikia
Wireless Personal Communications 86, 1971-1994, 2016
EEG-based emotion classification using LSTM under new paradigm
MZI Ahmed, N Sinha
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 7 (6), 065018, 2021
Augmentation of directional and sector antenna support in NS2
N Ahmed, ZI Ahmed, SI Saikia, I Hussain
2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Networks, 68-73, 2015
A Novel Baseline Removal Paradigm for Subject-Independent Features in Emotion Classification Using EEG. Bioengineering 2023, 10, 54
MZI Ahmed, N Sinha, E Ghaderpour, S Phadikar, R Ghosh
A tightly synchronized TDMA MAC protocol for multi-hop WiFi-based long distance networks
I Hussain, ZI Ahmed, DK Saikia, N Sarma
2014 Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN …, 2014
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Articles 1–10