C. Vijayalakshmi
Cited by
Cited by
Design and analysis of machine learning algorithms for the reduction of crime rates in India
SR Bandekar, C Vijayalakshmi
Procedia Computer Science 172, 122-127, 2020
Optimization of Fuzzy programming with TOPSIS Algorithm
N Ezhilarasan, C Vijayalakshmi
Procedia Computer Science 172, 473-479, 2020
Control of robotic wheel chair using EMG signals for paralysed persons
S Sathish, K Nithyakalyani, S Vinurajkumar, C Vijayalakshmi, ...
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (1), 1-3, 2016
Optimization of multi-objective transportation problem using evolutionary algorithms
K Bharathi, C Vijayalakshmi
Global journal of pure and applied mathematics 12 (2), 1387-1396, 2016
A Hybrid Encryption Algorithm Based On AES and RSA
C Vijayalakshmi, L Lavanya, C Navya
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication …, 2016
A comprehensive review of closed loop supply chain
PT Sundari, C Vijayalakshmi
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 (4), 2785-2792, 2016
SVM trade-off between maximize the margin and minimize the variables used for regression
M Premalatha, CV Lakshmi
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 87 (6), 741-750, 2013
Modern approaches of nanotechnology in agriculture-a review
C Vijayalakshmi, C Chellaram, SL Kumar
Biosci Biotechnol Res Asia 12, 327-331, 2015
Design and Analysis of Multi-Objective Optimization Problem Using Evolutionary Algorithms.
S Jose, C Vijayalakshmi
Procedia Computer Science 172, 896-899, 2020
A review on advanced optimization techniques
R Subramani, C Vijayalakshmi
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (19), 11675-11683, 2016
Implementation of fuzzy multi criteria decision technique to identify the best location for call center
C Kavitha, C Vijayalakshmi
Trendz in Information Sciences & Computing (TISC2010), 21-27, 2010
Design of a multi criteria decision model-fuzzy analytical hierarchy approach
P Sona, T Johnson, C Vijayalakshmi
Int. J. Eng. Technol 7 (1.1), 116-120, 2017
Trendy usage of nanotechnology in agriculture—A review
C Vijayalakshmi, C Chellaram, SL Kumar
2014 International Conference on Science Engineering and Management Research …, 2014
Application of fuzzy AHP in water treatment plant location
K Kaleeswari, T Johnson, C Vijayalakshmi
J. Adv. Res. Dynamic. Control Syst 10 (1), 335-342, 2018
Implementation of ARIMA Model for Ghee Production in Tamil Nadu
TJ Sankar, C Vijayalakshmi
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 113 (6), 56-64, 2017
Design and development of a foot pressure scanner for diabetic patients
K Manikandan, SL Kumar, J Sivaraman, P Padmapriya, C Vijayalakshmi
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (2), 1-6, 2016
Clinical analysis of fundus changes in myopia
MJ Venkatesan, NS Kumar, C Vijayalakshmi
Indian J Science & Technology 8 (25), 1-6, 2015
Implementation of scheduling algorithm for optimisation by Lagrangian decomposition model
S Maheswari, C Vijayalakshmi
International Journal of Operational Research 14 (1), 70-93, 2012
Optimization model for electricity distribution system control using communication system by lagrangian relaxation technique
S Maheswari, C Vijayalakshmi
CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, Print: ISSN, 0974-9756, 2011
Bio inspired optimization algorithms in disaster
SA Devi, C Vijayalakshmi
Procedia Computer Science 172, 176-180, 2020
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Articles 1–20