Dr Arti Jain
Cited by
Cited by
Crime detection and criminal identification in India using data mining techniques
DK Tayal, A Jain, S Arora, S Agarwal, T Gupta, N Tyagi
AI & society 30, 117-127, 2015
Forecasting Price of Cryptocurrencies Using Tweets Sentiment Analysis
A Jain, S Tripathi, HD Dwivedi, P Saxena
Eleventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3). IEEE., 1-7, 2018
Automatic text summarization for Hindi using real coded genetic algorithm
A Jain, A Arora, J Morato, D Yadav, KV Kumar
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6584, 2022
NER for Hindi language using association rules
A Jain, D Yadav, DK Tayal
2014 International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Computing …, 2014
A TENGRAM method based part-of-speech tagging of multi-category words in Hindi language
JP Gupta, DK Tayal, A Gupta
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (12), 15084-15093, 2011
Internet of things architectural elements, challenges and future directions
R Kushwah, PK Batra, A Jain
2020 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2020
Classification and diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma using deep learning
F Siddiqui, S Gupta, S Dubey, S Murtuza, A Jain
2020 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science …, 2020
Named entity system for tweets in Hindi language
A Jain, A Arora
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 14 (4 …, 2018
Named Entity Recognition in Hindi Using Hyperspace Analogue to Language and Conditional Random Field
A Jain, A Arora
Mining Application on Analyzing Users’ Interests from Twitter
A Jain, A Gupta, N Sharma, J Shubham, D Yadav
3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected …, 2018
Particle swarm optimization for Punjabi text summarization
A Jain, D Yadav, A Arora
International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORIS …, 2021
Research trends for named entity recognition in hindi language
A Jain, DK Tayal, D Yadav, A Arora
Data Visualization and Knowledge Engineering: Spotting Data Points with …, 2020
An AI-enabled ensemble method for rainfall forecasting using long-short term memory
S Kanani, S Patel, RK Gupta, A Jain, JCW Lin
AIMS Press, 2023
OntoHindi NER—an ontology based novel approach for Hindi named entity recognition
A Jain, DK Tayal, A Arora
Int J Artif Intell (IJAI) 16 (2), 106-135, 2018
Role of artificial intelligence of things (AIOT) to combat pandemic COVID-19
A Jain, R Kushwah, A Swaroop, A Yadav
Handbook of Research on Innovations and Applications of AI, IoT, and …, 2021
Relevant subsection retrieval for law domain question answer system
A Verma, J Morato, A Jain, A Arora
Data Visualization and Knowledge Engineering: Spotting Data Points with …, 2020
Thwarting spam on facebook: identifying spam posts using machine learning techniques
A Jain, R Gairola, S Jain, A Arora
Social Network Analytics for Contemporary Business Organizations, 51-70, 2018
Plant leaf disease detection using CNN with transfer learning and XGBoost
D Yadav, A Gupta, A Jain, AK Yadav
International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 14 (3), 244-265, 2022
Credit card fraud detection using k-means and fuzzy c-means
A Jain, A Purwar, D Yadav
Handbook of Research on Innovations and Applications of AI, IoT, and …, 2021
Named-Entity Recognition for Hindi language using context pattern-based maximum entropy
A Jain, D Yadav, A Arora, DK Tayal
Computer Science 23, 2022
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Articles 1–20