Popescu Dumitru
Popescu Dumitru
Other namesD.Popescu
Professor UPB, Member of Academy of Romanian Scientists,
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Cited by
Modeling of electrical characteristics of photovoltaic cell considering single-diode model
M Azzouzi, D Popescu, M Bouchahdane
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 4 (6), 414-420, 2016
Modélisation, identification et commande des systèmes
G Dauphin-Tanguy, L Foulloy, D Popescu
Editura Academiei Romane, 2004
Optimization in engineering sciences
P Borne, D Popescu, FG Filip, D Stefanoiu
Exact Metods, J. Wiley& Sons, London, 2013
Optimization in engineering sciences: Metaheuristic, stochastic methods and decision support
D Stefanoiu, P Borne, D Popescu, FG Filip, A El Kamel
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Stability derivatives for a delta-wing x-31 aircraft validated using wind tunnel test data
N Anton, RM Botez, D Popescu
Part G: Journal of aerospace engineering, 2011
Switching solution for multiple-models control systems
C Lupu, D Popescu, B Ciubotaru, C Petrescu, G Florea
2006 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1-6, 2006
Modelare în ingineria proceselor industriale
D Popescu, F Ionescu, R Dobrescu, D Stefanoiu
Editura AGIR, Bucuresti, 2011
Process Control Design for Industrial Applications
D Popescu, A Gharbi, D Stefanoiu, B Pierre
John Wiley, 2017
Modelling and recursive power control of horizontal variable speed wind turbines
HP Wang, A Pintea, N Christov, P Borne, D Popescu
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 14 (4), 33-41, 2012
Optimal control of variable speed wind turbines
A Pintea, H Wang, N Christov, P Borne, D Popescu, A Badea
2011 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 838-843, 2011
Real-time control applications for nonlinear processes based on adaptive control and the static characteristic
C Lupu, D Popescu, A Udrea
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 3 (6), 607-616, 2008
Robust control for wind power systems
A Pintea, D Popescu, P Borne
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10, 1085-1091, 2010
Automatica Industriala
D Popescu, D Stefanoiu, C Lupu, C Petrescu, B Ciubotaru, D C
AGIR, Bucuresti, 2006
LQG control of horizontal wind turbines for blades and tower loads alleviation
A Pintea, N Christov, D Popescu, P Borne
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 1721-1726, 2011
A chaotic krill herd optimization algorithm for global numerical estimation of the attraction domain for nonlinear systems
M Aloui, F Hamidi, H Jerbi, M Omri, D Popescu, R Abbassi
Mathematics 9 (15), 1743, 2021
Diagnosis of a permanent magnet synchronous generator using the extended Kalman filter and the fast Fourier transform
LI Gliga, H Chafouk, D Popescu, C Lupu
2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC), 65-70, 2018
New methodologies for aircraft stability derivatives determination from its geometrical data
N Anton, R Botez, D Popescu
AIAA atmospheric flight mechanics conference, 6046, 2009
New methodology and code for Hawker 800XP aircraft stability derivatives calculation from geometrical data
N Anton, RM Botez, D Popescu
The Aeronautical Journal 114 (1156), 367-376, 2010
Industrial process control
D Popescu, D Stefanoiu, C Lupu, C Petrescu, B Ciubotaru, C Dimon
AGIR Press, Bucharest, 2006
Modelling and control of wind turbines
A Pintea, D Popescu, P Borne
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (8), 251-256, 2010
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Articles 1–20