Dr. Lalit M Pandey
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Cited by
Engineered nanomaterials and their surface functionalization for the removal of heavy metals: A review
A Jawed, V Saxena, LM Pandey
Journal of Water Process Engineering 33, 101009, 2020
Nano-biocomposite scaffolds of chitosan, carboxymethyl cellulose and silver nanoparticle modified cellulose nanowhiskers for bone tissue engineering applications
A Hasan, G Waibhaw, V Saxena, LM Pandey
International journal of biological macromolecules 111, 923-934, 2018
Recent advances in conventional and contemporary methods for remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils
S Sharma, S Tiwari, A Hasan, V Saxena, LM Pandey
3 Biotech 8, 1-18, 2018
Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant producing and oil degrading Bacillus subtilis MG495086 from formation water of Assam oil reservoir and its suitability for …
P Datta, P Tiwari, LM Pandey
Bioresource technology 270, 439-448, 2018
Enhanced adsorption capacity of designed bentonite and alginate beads for the effective removal of methylene blue
LM Pandey
Applied Clay Science 169, 102-111, 2019
Production of biosurfactant by Bacillus subtilis RSL-2 isolated from sludge and biosurfactant mediated degradation of oil
S Sharma, LM Pandey
Bioresource Technology 307, 123261, 2020
Removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution using immobilized Agrobacterium fabrum biomass along with iron oxide nanoparticles as biosorbent
S Sharma, A Hasan, N Kumar, LM Pandey
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 21605-21615, 2018
Surface functionalization of Ti6Al4V via self-assembled monolayers for improved protein adsorption and fibroblast adhesion
A Hasan, V Saxena, LM Pandey
Langmuir 34 (11), 3494-3506, 2018
Fabrication and characterization of chitosan, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and cellulose nanowhiskers nanocomposite films for wound healing drug delivery application
A Hasan, G Waibhaw, S Tiwari, K Dharmalingam, I Shukla, LM Pandey
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 105 (9), 2391-2404, 2017
Engineered nanomaterial assisted signal‐amplification strategies for enhancing analytical performance of electrochemical biosensors
A Kumar, B Purohit, PK Maurya, LM Pandey, P Chandra
Electroanalysis 31 (9), 1615-1629, 2019
Engineered nanoporous materials mediated heterogeneous catalysts and their implications in biodiesel production
S Sharma, V Saxena, A Baranwal, P Chandra, LM Pandey
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (1), 11-21, 2018
Nanoengineered material based biosensing electrodes for enzymatic biofuel cells applications
A Kumar, S Sharma, LM Pandey, P Chandra
Materials Science for Energy Technologies 1 (1), 38-48, 2018
Effect of functional groups of self-assembled monolayers on protein adsorption and initial cell adhesion
A Hasan, SK Pattanayek, LM Pandey
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 4 (9), 3224-3233, 2018
Hybrid surface from self-assembled layer and its effect on protein adsorption
LM Pandey, SK Pattanayek
Applied Surface Science 257 (10), 4731-4737, 2011
Properties of adsorbed bovine serum albumin and fibrinogen on self-assembled monolayers
LM Pandey, SK Pattanayek, D Delabouglise
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (12), 6151-6160, 2013
Production of novel rhamnolipids via biodegradation of waste cooking oil using Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC7815
S Sharma, P Datta, B Kumar, P Tiwari, LM Pandey
Biodegradation 30, 301-312, 2019
Effect of Zn/ZnO integration with hydroxyapatite: a review
V Saxena, A Hasan, LM Pandey
Materials technology 33 (2), 79-92, 2018
Polymers, surface-modified polymers, and self assembled monolayers as surface-modifying agents for biomaterials
A Hasan, LM Pandey
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 54 (13), 1358-1378, 2015
Experimental investigation of molasses as a sole nutrient for the production of an alternative metabolite biosurfactant
R Verma, S Sharma, LM Kundu, LM Pandey
Journal of Water Process Engineering 38, 101632, 2020
Oil washing proficiency of biosurfactant produced by isolated Bacillus tequilensis MK 729017 from Assam reservoir soil
P Datta, P Tiwari, LM Pandey
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 195, 107612, 2020
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Articles 1–20