Emma C. Rainforth
Emma C. Rainforth
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Ascent of dinosaurs linked to an iridium anomaly at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
PE Olsen, DV Kent, HD Sues, C Koeberl, H Huber, A Montanari, ...
Science 296 (5571), 1305-1307, 2002
The early Jurassic ornithischian dinosaurian ichnogenus Anomoepus
PE Olsen, EC Rainforth
The great rift valleys of Pangea in eastern North America 2, 314-367, 2003
Revision and re‐evaluation of the Early Jurassic dinosaurian ichnogenus Otozoum
EC Rainforth
Palaeontology 46 (4), 803-838, 2003
Ichnotaxonomy of the fossil footprints of the Connecticut Valley (early Jurassic, Newark Supergroup, Connecticut and Massachusetts)
EC Rainforth
Columbia University, 2005
A survey of fossil footprint sites at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (western USA): a case study in documentation of trace fossil resources at a national preserve
MG Lockley, AP Hunt, C Meyer, EC Rainforth, RJ Schultz
Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant & Animal 5 (3), 177-211, 1998
Pterosaur tracks from the Purbeck limestone Formation of Dorset, England
JL Wright, DM Unwin, MG Lockleyl, EC Rainforth
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 108 (1), 39-48, 1997
The track record of Mesozoic birds and pterosaurs
MG Lockley, EC Rainforth, LM Chiappe, LM Witmer
Mesozoic birds: above the heads of dinosaurs. University of California Press …, 2002
Tracks of diminutive dinosaurs and hopping mammals from the Jurassic of North and South America
EC Rainforth, MG Lockley
Bulletin of the Museum of Northern Arizona 60, 265-273, 1996
Tracking life in a Lower Jurassic desert: vertebrate tracks and other traces from the Navajo Sandstone
EC Rainforth, MG Lockley, M Morales
Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 60, 285-289, 1996
The “Age of Dinosaurs” in the Newark Basin, with special reference to the Lower Hudson Valley
PE Olsen, EC Rainforth
Geology of the Lower Hudson Valley, 59-176, 2001
Sphaerapus, a poorly known invertebrate trace fossil from nonmarine Permian and Jurassic strata of North America
SG Lucas, S Voigt, AJ Lerner, EC Rainforth
Ichnos 20 (3), 142-152, 2013
Vertebrate ichnological diversity and census studies: Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone
EC Rainforth
Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, 1997
Ichnotaxonomic updates from the Newark Supergroup
EC Rainforth
Contributions to the Paleontology of New Jersey (II): Field Guide and …, 2007
Estimating speeds of dinosaurs from trackways: a re-evaluation of assumptions
EC Rainforth, M Manzella
Contributions to the paleontology of New Jersey (II)–Field guide and …, 2007
Late Triassic–Early Jurassic dinosaur ichnofaunas, eastern North America and Southern Africa
EC Rainforth
J. Vert. Paleo 21, 91A, 2001
Tetrapod ichnology of the Early Jurassic Navajo Sandstone: implications for the “vertebrate ichnofacies” concept
EC Rainforth
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33 (6), 335, 2001
The footprint record of Early Jurassic dinosaurs in the Connecticut Valley: status of the taxon formerly known as Brontozoum
EC Rainforth
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 36 (2), 96, 2004
Vertebrate ichnological diversity and census studies
EC Rainforth
Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone [MS research report]: Boulder, University of …, 1997
Tails of saurischian dinosaurs in the Early Jurassic of the Newark Supergroup (eastern North America)
EC Rainforth
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 34, 61, 2002
A theropod resting trace that is also a locomotion trace: Case study of Hitchcock's specimen AC 1/7
AJ Martin, EC Rainforth
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 36 (2), 96, 2004
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Articles 1–20