Dr Jyoteesh Malhotra
Dr Jyoteesh Malhotra
Professor, National Institute of Technology Delhi
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Cited by
A novel scheme for an energy efficient Internet of Things based on wireless sensor networks
S Rani, R Talwar, J Malhotra, SH Ahmed, M Sarkar, H Song
Sensors 15 (11), 28603-28626, 2015
An energy balanced QoS based cluster head selection strategy for WSN
S Mahajan, J Malhotra, S Sharma
Egyptian Informatics Journal 15 (3), 189-199, 2014
Energy efficient chain based routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks
S Rani, SH Ahmed, J Malhotra, R Talwar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 92, 42-50, 2017
Can sensors collect big data? An energy-efficient big data gathering algorithm for a WSN
S Rani, SH Ahmed, R Talwar, J Malhotra
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 1961-1968, 2017
Energy efficient chain based cooperative routing protocol for WSN
S Rani, J Malhotra, R Talwar
Applied soft computing 35, 386-397, 2015
A cost effective 100 Gbps hybrid MDM–OCDMA–FSO transmission system under atmospheric turbulences
H Sarangal, A Singh, J Malhotra, S Chaudhary
Optical and Quantum Electronics 49, 1-10, 2017
IoMT: A reliable cross layer protocol for internet of multimedia things
S Rani, SH Ahmed, R Talwar, J Malhotra, H Song
IEEE Internet of things Journal 4 (3), 832-839, 2017
Two-layer LSTM network-based prediction of epileptic seizures using EEG spectral features
K Singh, J Malhotra
Complex & Intelligent Systems 8 (3), 2405-2418, 2022
Review on security issues and attacks in wireless sensor networks
J Malhotra
International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking 8 (4 …, 2015
A cross layer protocol for traffic management in Social Internet of Vehicles
B Jain, G Brar, J Malhotra, S Rani, SH Ahmed
Future Generation computer systems 82, 707-714, 2018
Spectral features based convolutional neural network for accurate and prompt identification of schizophrenic patients
K Singh, S Singh, J Malhotra
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2021
Development of high-speed FSO transmission link for the implementation of 5G and Internet of Things
V Dhasarathan, M Singh, J Malhotra
Wireless Networks, 1-10, 2019
IoT and cloud computing based automatic epileptic seizure detection using HOS features based random forest classification
K Singh, J Malhotra
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (11), 15497-15512, 2023
Ultra-high capacity long-haul PDM-16-QAM-based WDM-FSO transmission system using coherent detection and digital signal processing
P Sivakumar, CS Boopathi, MG Sumithra, M Singh, J Malhotra, A Grover
Optical and Quantum Electronics 52, 1-18, 2020
Performance evaluation of 6.4 Tbps dual polarization quadrature phase shift keying Nyquist-WDM superchannel FSO transmission link: Impact of different weather conditions
M Singh, J Malhotra, et al.
Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (2), 977-986, 2020
Analysis of 2× 10 Gbps MDM enabled inter satellite optical wireless communication under the impact of pointing errors
A Sharma, J Malhotra, S Chaudhary, V Thappa
Optik 227, 165250, 2021
Modeling and performance analysis of 400 Gbps CO-OFDM based inter-satellite optical wireless communication (IsOWC) system incorporating polarization division multiplexing with …
M Singh, J Malhotra
Wireless Personal Communications 111 (1), 495-511, 2020
Performance comparison of 2× 20 Gbit/s-40 GHz OFDM based RoFSO transmission link incorporating MDM of Hermite Gaussian modes using different modulation schemes
M Singh, J Malhotra
Wireless Personal Communications 110 (2), 699-711, 2020
EEICCP—energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks
S Rani, J Malhotra, R Talwar
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Smart neurocare approach for detection of epileptic seizures using deep learning based temporal analysis of EEG patterns
K Singh, J Malhotra
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (20), 29555-29586, 2022
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Articles 1–20